May 26, 2008 12:39
Happy Day-After-Raceday! I can safely say that I didn't watch a minute of the Indy yesterday, which would disappoint my parents to know. It's always been such a big family thing. I don't even have a good excuse for them because I didn't do anything much yesterday.
I still hate Memorial Day. No problems with it in theory,'s one of those holidays that's been co-opted into a shopping day. Since many (non-retail/non-restaurant) employees have the day off, stores hold big sales and encourage people to go buy, buy, buy on a day that's supposed to have importance and be about something more than rampant consumerism. I actually don't mind that holidays like Valentine's Day are consumerist hells, because it's light and fluffy and pretty much meant to generate a profit. But Memorial Day wasn't, and that's what pisses me off.
Ahem, that rant out of the also marks the second game in the Stanley Cup playoffs. For those who don't follow hockey at all, the Detroit Red Wings are playing the Pittsburgh Penguins. I've always been a Wings fan. Even when I lived in Pittsburgh, I rooted for the Wings. Part of this is a tongue-in-cheek enthusiasm, the way some people blindly follow some teams no matter how much they lose, but the Wings don't lose much, so I can feel my devotion is justified. (It's not, really. I'd still root for them even if they did start to lose all the time.) However, winning the Western Conference is more than enough for me to feel proud of 'my' team. This year, though, I've got a bit extra invested in the games. There's a rivalry going with Chris's friends, who are all rooting for the Penguins. The Wings' victory on Saturday already managed to prove two of them wrong. They thought Pittsburgh would sweep Detroit. (Which only proves they're idiots--even places like ESPN that were predicting a Penguins victory were suggesting 6 games.) Tonight's game should be pretty interesting and I'm already mapping my night around watching it. ;-)
I miss Stanley Cup parties. You know, like Superbowl parties, except that there's only one Superbowl and there are several games in the Stanley Cup. My friends and I would have them for the Western Conference and the Stanley Cup, but the Cup parties were usually better attended. (And the parties gave us something to do that wasn't bowling.) During intermissions, we'd get some vicious euchre games going. I don't think I ever had a bad time at a Cup party, even if the Wings the game we'd gathered to watch that night. It was all very...Michigan.