Apr 30, 2005 23:17
Tomorrow is commencement-I'm finally graduating. My parents and my nephew came to visit.
My parents are putting Jake to sleep before I'll be able to go home and say goodbye to him.
My sister tried to OD or something. She'd moved out of my parents' house-I'm unsure if this was before or after. I think it was before. She was in the hospital for a while because they didn't know if she'd make it. I think she's in a halfway house now. I don't know what's going on with her daughters. My parents don't have them. Their fathers won't take them. They might be with Shawn's boyfriend.
My aunt and my niece were making methamphetamines in my grandmother's large, lovely house-technically in the garage where my grandfather kept his treasured pipe organ.
My grandmother declared bankruptcy and is moving to FL-which is why she isn't coming to graduation.
My nephew has been placed in special ed for being EI.
Mom didn't tell me before now because she didn't want me to worry.
I think I feel a lot of rage underneath of all of this numbness.