This plot is gay(er than you). The way stories unfold in life are rarely as amusing as those found in published works, but this may be an exception.
I get to stay home for three days. I am allowed to come back to school on Friday (like it's a privilege). I get to make -up all the work.
The perceived problem probably stemmed from the making up part. I made up the paper as follows:
Sam Burgess
Mr. Carlos
20 March 2005
Juxtaposed to emphatic reviews eulogizing Twain's, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, are equally vehement reviews vituperating the coarseness of Twain's novel. Narrated by an uneducated child, Twain's use of various dialects in Huck Finnis either praised for it's accuracy and ingenuity or decried for failing to conform to the rigid structure set forth in (then) contemporary literature. Where some praise Twain's mordant satire for raising often unexpressed social concerns, others would rather hide behind ignorance, finding solace in ...oh, yeah, actually, I don't care...
Mark Twain's The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn was very good. Some people only liked a little bit of it. Some other people didn't like it very much.
One guy said that it was "monotonous". He also said that some of it is funny, but with more than 350 pages, it's two long.
"Here and there are spatches of Mark Twain's best work, which could be read over and over again, and yet bring each time an outburst of laughter; but one cannot have the book long in his hands without being tempted to regret that the author should so often have laid himself open to the charge of coarseness and bad taste."
I guess it's all right.
Another guy didn't like it at all. He just talks about how Mark Twain is going to have to make people buy his book. "It is doubtful if the edition could be disposed of to people of average intellect at anything short of the point of the bayonet. Huckleberry Finn appears to be singularly flat, stale and unprofitable." Yeah, he didn't really like it.
Me either. The book was mostly dumb. The plot was gay(er than you). Mostly, I'm bored. The end.
Mr. Dempsey is a homophobic butt and decided that the term "gay" is derogatory.
Mr. Dempsey didn't bother questioning the amount to which the plot was gay, and all further assumptions were based on the fact that The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn's plots is so offensively gay, that a lesser form of such gay is still offensive.
Mr. Dempsey concluded (correctly) that I was the actual author of the paper even though there is a distinct break in tone.
Mr. Dempsey somehow determined the target of the ambigious "you".
When asked, "Who is 'you?'" I responded, "You." (I pointed at Mr. Dempsey.) He asked, "What is that supposed to mean?" I figured he was too dumb to understand. He didnt recognize the words "eulogizing", "vituperating", or "mordant", either. At least he has the ignorance part down pat.
I only wish that I had a device to record the conversations as my brain has difficulty creating synapses causing my mind to have problems storing new information. (Mostly, my memory sucks and the discussions I had with Mr. Dempsey are probably funny.)