Mar 28, 2006 20:49
Wow talk about long time no talk!!! I took a huge lj break... I got so caught up in checking myspace all the time I didn't make time for lj :( sorry all. Not a lot of people read my lj so maybe it's not as bad as I think it is... Oh well... I just decided that blueberry pop tarts aren't totally bad... They're pretty good actually... Not much to say but I'm sure I can think of something :/... Eric and I are good. I am very happy with our relationship even if it does have it's problems... As much as I hate him sometimes I can't help but love him all the more... I don't know if that's good or bad but I don't want him to ever leave me again and God knows that although I flirt with everyone in the world (girls too ;) I will never leave him. Now that that's off my chest,... Isn't the world great??? I've been watching Weird Travels for a while now and they're talking about all these crazy places where you get crazy vibes... seems really cool. Next they're going to talk about a place where you might fall into another dimension... Might be interesting. I shall play DDR soon. I need to loose some weight... I'll play with my brother. Ray is the best brother a girl like me could have. I hate that he talks back to our parents but eh :/ He's here right now and he is the one who introduced me to blueberry pop tarts. And now he is telling me about a Family Guy episode that I don't remember. He called me a loser for not remembering, but I still love him :) Well I'm going to finish the Weird Travel show and play DDR so I will update later :) Bye.