I can't find the camera or I'd ear portrait and show you.. pretty much I have a 14 gauge in my bottom right hole & my top left hole, a 12 in my top right hole, and a 10 in my bottom left. The 10 was supposed to be the only one that I did this crap to, but it's addictive? XD;
Oh, man. D: Sounds like your dad might be worse than my mom. >: I'm not too worried about it, to be honest, I just needed to complain about how she always comments since it drives me nuts. Hopefully, if the topic ever comes up, your family doesn't think too badly either.♥
It's frustrating, huh? >( I will, however, continue to hope that once his hormones settle, he'll realize that having a girlfriend shouldn't ever come between at least staying friends with people who he's known for so long. Guys just let the blood flow to the wrong organ a little too often. :|
THANK YOU MY HARLOT. I'm no good at sentimental nonsense but I honestly am so grateful for how you always put up with my rambling, and whining, and everything else. I appreciate you being around for me, and just being my friend. It means a lot. ♥ THAT SAID, I'm not going to give it up, definitely not, I just really, really want this, and know I would feel better about myself if I could just get there. HOW GRADUAL IT IS FRUSTRATES ME. motivation is so hard ;_; but, if you really wanted to, I mean I'm in no position to INSTRUCT someone on this stuff, but you could always try just walking before jogging or biking or anything. Just walk it for a while, then add jogging in gradually, like.. only jogging past one house, then walking past the next, etc. IT LOOKS WEIRD to other people but it helps?? -old old old-
Do you want the website where I found the episodes to stream? I'm sure they're MUCH better quality when you download them but..eh, I don't want to clog down the computer. There's subtitles, but I didn't really notice them. I can try to find you streaming without subtitles though, if you'd like. 8)b And is he really? XD It's fun when people are as cool out of character as in. Makes them awesome.
I hope not, because it scares me sometimes. XD; Creative Writing classes are great. *_* Mine just focused more on the 'creative' than the actual 'writing' part, so we didn't learn much. XD Loved the teacher though. I ENABLE YOUR WRITING BECAUSE IT IS WONDERFUL. Like that latest piece you posted. It did such a nice job of describing one of those days when you just get to thinking about things too much, and it made me smile to see it expressed so well. :>
YOU ARE SO CRAZY now I must see this. I don't think I could ever like gauges myself, really, I'm more fond of studs and small hoops. I'd like to get my cartilage pierced and wear those. If I did actually do that though, I'd probably get hoops. It'd look so cool to have a bunch of small hoops lining the edge of your ear, or I think so at least.
Haha, it might be because he was y'know, in the navy when women weren't allowed in, but yeah, still. It made me feel pretty iffy about it. The only person I could really imagine talking about something in-depth like that is... my mom, sadly. D| And yeah, I can totally understand that. It'd drive me up a wall, too. ♥
IT IS. And fffff I don't think it'll happen anytime soon, because he asked out one of my friends who he... barely knows. Which she rejected him, but apparently he's so ~*~*~*~*~IN LOVE~*~*~*~*~ with her he ~*~*~*~*~CAN'T FORGET HER~*~*~*~*~ and here I go again on the getting pissed /whines
SENTIMENTAL IS MY AREA, YOURS IS TO BE TOUGH AND AWKWARD AT EXPRESSING YOUR FEELINGS. But of course, always. Being able to talk to you has done wonders for me too, really, and I'm so thankful we actually started talking whenever we did and kept with it. There's too much happiness at knowing you for me to express, really. ♥ /IS A BLEEDING HEART Hah, yeah, we people are always lazy at the gradual slope, ugh. But no, I get what you're saying and appreciate the advice. I've actually been walking more lately, whether it's to home from school [and often detours into like Borders or Stop and Shop] or with my friend Sam to her bank and then back to her house, so I'm glad for that. I think I'm going to try to keep up that routine for now, and then during summer get myself to work on actually exercising.
That would be mucho appreciated m'dear! Subtitles or no doesn't matter, because y'know. It's English, I wouldn't pay attention anyway. xD HE IS. Omg, it was so funny. He was sitting up on stage speaking into the mic and just suddenly goes "Can you do that thing where my voice sounds all deep and sexy and I'm just like -strikes dorky-attempt-to-be-suave pose- Hey~" And during a response to a question he noticed that You Spin Me Round was playing faintly and he's like "Do I get awesome techno music?? -dances in seat-"
I'm sure you won't. It's visible that you've learned from the person he is, and are trying not to be like him, so I sincerely doubt it. HAHA awh man, yeah, that class is so awesome. My teacher is such a dork too. ... FFFFF WHY DID YOU READ THAT AUGH
/DOES THE SAME I'm pretty sure I was going to say something else too, but hell if I remember while writing these epic responses. |Db
IT'S NOT TOO CRAZY? XD I will.. borrow the webcam later, when my mom's done with it, and see if it can take pictures. :|b It would! It would be a cute look. 8)
Ahh, I see. That makes sense. It's good to have someone though? I am glad. 8)
.. oh lawd. Yeah, he.. might have a ways to go. DX WHY MUST GUYS DO THIS? They act like total retards sometimes rather often. ;|
YES, EXACTLY. lmao. My Marquess Harlot. 8) ♥ Oh, walking when there's stores and stuff is fun! I swear if Cove had an actual down town or something, I'd walk all the time. :') But yes, that sounds like an excellent plan~~
http://www.watchsupernaturalonline.info/ ! The subtitles are Chinese (I think?) actually, but they're small and not very distracting? I'll still check around for non-subtitled ones if they bother you though. Or if that site loads too slow. It takes a while to get anywhere sometimes. .. Ahaha. ♥ He sounds adorable. XD
Oh, I doubt it, unless you've got those 'LOOK YOU CAN FIT YOUR FIST THROUGH MY EAR' ones but I sincerely doubt it x'D AWESOME. \o\ Yeah, I'm going to try and see if I can get it done to at least one ear. I'm sure that'd be easier to convince the 'rents to let me do compared to getting my hair cut boy short. |Db
IDK I wish I could shake them and make them stooooop. Though they probably feel the same way about us sometimes, lmfao.
My Marquess Skank! ♥ It's so sad how well we fit them wtf. Yeah, I just mainly have the Loop here. Ugh one day I need to get a job and then I will have more incentive to walk down there. \o IT'S SO TEMPTING JUST TO TAKE THE MONEY I'M SAVING FOR ANIME BOSTON AND SPEND IT, BUT I'M RESISTING.
Ty very much! |3 I'll have to check it out tomorrow. AND YES HE WAS it's kind of funny because I was watching it with Sam, who has never watched Supernatural period, and she was like "... I want to hug him."
IT WAS NOT UGH stop flattering me.
OHHHH see here I was thinking the gauges that opened holes in your ear. Those're cool. |3 And well, I haven't asked but I'm afraid they'll get weirded out at me for asking something like that. I mean, I've gotten it cut really short before [read: around the base of my neck] but... yeah. |T
... yes. Yes I do. AND I SHALL BUT UGH MAN.
He isssss. The one we watched, I think, was where he was down in a con in Australia. Think it was Animania? Something like that. But yes, he's fun to watch.
Oh, man. D: Sounds like your dad might be worse than my mom. >: I'm not too worried about it, to be honest, I just needed to complain about how she always comments since it drives me nuts. Hopefully, if the topic ever comes up, your family doesn't think too badly either.♥
It's frustrating, huh? >( I will, however, continue to hope that once his hormones settle, he'll realize that having a girlfriend shouldn't ever come between at least staying friends with people who he's known for so long. Guys just let the blood flow to the wrong organ a little too often. :|
THANK YOU MY HARLOT. I'm no good at sentimental nonsense but I honestly am so grateful for how you always put up with my rambling, and whining, and everything else. I appreciate you being around for me, and just being my friend. It means a lot. ♥ THAT SAID, I'm not going to give it up, definitely not, I just really, really want this, and know I would feel better about myself if I could just get there. HOW GRADUAL IT IS FRUSTRATES ME. motivation is so hard ;_; but, if you really wanted to, I mean I'm in no position to INSTRUCT someone on this stuff, but you could always try just walking before jogging or biking or anything. Just walk it for a while, then add jogging in gradually, like.. only jogging past one house, then walking past the next, etc. IT LOOKS WEIRD to other people but it helps?? -old old old-
Do you want the website where I found the episodes to stream? I'm sure they're MUCH better quality when you download them but..eh, I don't want to clog down the computer. There's subtitles, but I didn't really notice them. I can try to find you streaming without subtitles though, if you'd like. 8)b And is he really? XD It's fun when people are as cool out of character as in. Makes them awesome.
I hope not, because it scares me sometimes. XD; Creative Writing classes are great. *_* Mine just focused more on the 'creative' than the actual 'writing' part, so we didn't learn much. XD Loved the teacher though. I ENABLE YOUR WRITING BECAUSE IT IS WONDERFUL. Like that latest piece you posted. It did such a nice job of describing one of those days when you just get to thinking about things too much, and it made me smile to see it expressed so well. :>
Haha, it might be because he was y'know, in the navy when women weren't allowed in, but yeah, still. It made me feel pretty iffy about it. The only person I could really imagine talking about something in-depth like that is... my mom, sadly. D| And yeah, I can totally understand that. It'd drive me up a wall, too. ♥
IT IS. And fffff I don't think it'll happen anytime soon, because he asked out one of my friends who he... barely knows. Which she rejected him, but apparently he's so ~*~*~*~*~IN LOVE~*~*~*~*~ with her he ~*~*~*~*~CAN'T FORGET HER~*~*~*~*~ and here I go again on the getting pissed /whines
SENTIMENTAL IS MY AREA, YOURS IS TO BE TOUGH AND AWKWARD AT EXPRESSING YOUR FEELINGS. But of course, always. Being able to talk to you has done wonders for me too, really, and I'm so thankful we actually started talking whenever we did and kept with it. There's too much happiness at knowing you for me to express, really. ♥ /IS A BLEEDING HEART Hah, yeah, we people are always lazy at the gradual slope, ugh. But no, I get what you're saying and appreciate the advice. I've actually been walking more lately, whether it's to home from school [and often detours into like Borders or Stop and Shop] or with my friend Sam to her bank and then back to her house, so I'm glad for that. I think I'm going to try to keep up that routine for now, and then during summer get myself to work on actually exercising.
That would be mucho appreciated m'dear! Subtitles or no doesn't matter, because y'know. It's English, I wouldn't pay attention anyway. xD HE IS. Omg, it was so funny. He was sitting up on stage speaking into the mic and just suddenly goes "Can you do that thing where my voice sounds all deep and sexy and I'm just like -strikes dorky-attempt-to-be-suave pose- Hey~" And during a response to a question he noticed that You Spin Me Round was playing faintly and he's like "Do I get awesome techno music?? -dances in seat-"
I'm sure you won't. It's visible that you've learned from the person he is, and are trying not to be like him, so I sincerely doubt it. HAHA awh man, yeah, that class is so awesome. My teacher is such a dork too. ... FFFFF WHY DID YOU READ THAT AUGH
I'm pretty sure I was going to say something else too, but hell if I remember while writing these epic responses. |Db
Ahh, I see. That makes sense. It's good to have someone though? I am glad. 8)
.. oh lawd. Yeah, he.. might have a ways to go. DX WHY MUST GUYS DO THIS? They act like total retards sometimes rather often. ;|
YES, EXACTLY. lmao. My Marquess Harlot. 8) ♥ Oh, walking when there's stores and stuff is fun! I swear if Cove had an actual down town or something, I'd walk all the time. :') But yes, that sounds like an excellent plan~~
http://www.watchsupernaturalonline.info/ ! The subtitles are Chinese (I think?) actually, but they're small and not very distracting? I'll still check around for non-subtitled ones if they bother you though. Or if that site loads too slow. It takes a while to get anywhere sometimes. .. Ahaha. ♥ He sounds adorable. XD
lol, it's easy to forget shit when doing these XD
IDK I wish I could shake them and make them stooooop. Though they probably feel the same way about us sometimes, lmfao.
My Marquess Skank! ♥ It's so sad how well we fit them wtf. Yeah, I just mainly have the Loop here. Ugh one day I need to get a job and then I will have more incentive to walk down there. \o IT'S SO TEMPTING JUST TO TAKE THE MONEY I'M SAVING FOR ANIME BOSTON AND SPEND IT, BUT I'M RESISTING.
Ty very much! |3 I'll have to check it out tomorrow. AND YES HE WAS it's kind of funny because I was watching it with Sam, who has never watched Supernatural period, and she was like "... I want to hug him."
IT WAS NOT UGH stop flattering me.
Right and left. ;| They wouldn't let you cut your hair that short? Aw, why not?
No problem! Ha, even your friend agrees. I might look around for interviews after I get a few more episodes down. Sounds fun to watch.
IT'S NOT FLATTERY it's truth.
... yes. Yes I do. AND I SHALL BUT UGH MAN.
He isssss. The one we watched, I think, was where he was down in a con in Australia. Think it was Animania? Something like that. But yes, he's fun to watch.
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