[ mostly i can't even tell what i'm running from ]

Feb 18, 2009 14:09

Meme I said I'd do. Wanted to do another I got from shaped but am too fucking tired today. Next time, then.

Comment to this post and I will give you five subjects/things I associate with you. Then post this in your LJ and elaborate on the subjects given.

From weizhijun:

1. Wei/Yukimura
2. Samurai Deeper Kyo
3. Egg rolls
4. Contractorology
5. Shin Angyo Onshi

1. Wei/Yukimura
I have no clue how this even happened. I just remember seeing people doing logs all during the cop plot, saw Wei's had no comments, and decided to give it a read. It sounded like something Yukimura would think was cool, so I ran with it. And my logs have all gone downhill from that one, lmfao. I blame Jac for putting up with my awful writing, after I got to know her some and realized she wasn't some scary player out to eat my face over a character. :')

Yeah, I used to be scared of Jac.

Funny, right? ;)

But so true.

Anyway, I think part of why they were appealing as a pairing to write is because they have things in common - important things like.. not feeling remorse for slaughtering people when it was time to GET SHIT DONE, and.. and being kind of crazy, although Wei outdoes Yukimura there - but they were also VERY MUCH OPPOSITE. One likes drinking, taking it easy, and is very secretive about everything, while the other is very straitlaced, straightforward, and a mafia man workaholic. It was a match made in what-the-fuck-were-we-thinking-oh-who-cares-this-is-fun heaven. :)

And uh.. I think that's everything?

2. Samurai Deeper Kyo
Holy hell, this series. I first started reading it in.. junior high, I believe. Must've been about 7th grade, because Kristina, Beth, and I were reading it and Mr. Hart picked it up.. and we all sort of HELD OUR BREATH hoping he wouldn't find all of the soft core porn on the inside. (He didn't, by the way. Just commented on how ridiculous the art style was "His hand is bigger than his head!" and gave it back.) My favorite character back then was Benitora, which was part of the start of me adoring the "swinger with secret angst" type characters (along with DN Angel's Dark Mousy, from back in middle school), and.. I used to actually make fun of my now favorite quite a bit.

Well, that sounds odd, since Yukimura is way more of a SwSA than Benitora is.. but, I just didn't like him as much! My friend Kristina loved him, and we'd get into joking arguments about why each was better than the other. (I remember playing the old man card against Yukimura at least once!) It was fun, but since Beth was our main supplier for that series, when she stopped being able to get them, I mostly stopped reading.

Then came Paradisa.

Back when it was just opening, a girl I was friends with convinced me to app with her! Not being sure how well I could play a canon Irvine, I decided to find someone new and different to play. And happened upon my volume 10 of the SDK manga, stashed away.. wherever the fuck I used to keep it. I don't know why I chose Yukimura, but I did! And... had a fucking blast playing him, although I kind of cringe sometimes and hope that my characterization has gotten at least a little better.

Since playing Yukimura there, and picking him up at Template, I mostly finished the series and fell back in love with it hardcore.

And that's all, before I go on rambling forever.

3. Egg rolls
All weizhijun's fault. She would mention them, and then I would get a taste for them, and I hadn't had them in a few years so.. I'd go out and get some. And then Wei would cook some kickass meal in Template, and I'd get a taste for them again. I don't want them as much as I used to, but every time Jac mentions eating at a sushi place, or bringing some home, it still makes me get a taste for them. :|

4. Contractorology
The study and classification of Contractors! Jac is my mentor/professor type person and, although I've been slacking these last few months, it's still one of my favorite classes ever. I mean, there's just interesting things to look into, and consider, and try to figure out when it comes to them.

5. Shin Angyo Onshi
If I had to pick a favorite manga/manhwa series, I would be in deep shit. How to choose!? Ultimately though, if this wasn't my final choice, it would be in the Top 3, I'm confident. The characters, story, art.. I just loved every thing about this series. Certain parts felt just a tad.. not as expanded on as I would have liked, but overall I can't nitpick this thing too much. (I'm sure others could, but fuck that, I love it to pieces.) Munsu is 'epic' personified, and the ending had me bawling my eyes out, goddamn. There's no other way the series could have ended though, so I'm glad it concluded the way it did.

I.. don't know what else to say about it, except that I will rec it to damn near everyone. Sure, not everyone's going to enjoy it, but I never know until I try, and it's got a little something for people of all kinds! Romance, action, drama, humor! etc.

Go check it out for yourself. ♥!

From araphen

3. Jade Curtiss
4. Skank
5. 4chan

1. Metaknight vs. Kirby
Kirby wins, the end. :)

2. Dante/Zelos
THIS WAS AN ACCIDENT, I SWEAR. ..well, I think so anyway. I don't even remember how it started!

..wait, yes I do.


Zelos was hitting on the women in the various sectors of adaugeo (it was divided into 4, based on the seasons), and Dante was a jerk and PRETENDED HE WAS A CHICK to mess with the playboy. After that fail date, they continued to annoy the hell out of each other while simultaneously becoming, gasp, friends! Sort of. They have some interesting things in common, actually, but each had clearly chosen (hahah!) to deal with their issues in different ways, which is what made them both able to relate to each other on a personal level, and..torment the other all to hell. 8)

Well, to be fair, it was more Dante tormenting Zelos and Zelos plotting ways to get back at him. Like dragging him out for PICNIC TIMES with Lloyd, and Lloyd's mum. (WHAT'S WRONG DANTE, NOT GOOD WITH PEOPLE?) |D

To wrap this up, it never really got off the ground, in game, but I enjoy writing them in museboxes, or crack AIM convos, with Lynne, who also wrote an amazing fic for them over at her writing comm. Dunno if I should link it though, or if she'd kill me for that. :')

3. Jade Curtiss
Oh god you just want me to embarrass myself by babbling on and on forever don't you? lol. I remember people playing Abyss and telling me about it, and seeing a few of the characters around. I told myself "well, Guy seems pretty cool! maybe we'll end up liking him." BUT FUCK THAT SHIT, RIGHT OUT THE WINDOW. Colonel Ass Shot had me from the first snarky comment, and kept me with his kickass backstory and.. idk, what's the word, engaging?

Engaging personality?


The point was, he's flat out amazing.

He doesn't fit my swinger type, but he does fit the type of the liar - particularly the HAPPY liars who..well, grin and joke, but are hiding some messed up shit behind all that nonsense. What I also liked was that that wasn't all there was to him! Yes, he was the liar, but he was also the oldest member of the group, and one of the most worldly. He was sort of like a mentor, even if he never really led but often left things up to the others to decide. He doesn't take your nonsense, tells it like it is, and is wonderful to try and work out because of his disconnection with feelings, and to concepts like life and death.

He's badass, he's fascinating, and he wears a Pac-Man belt.

What more could a fan ask for?

3. Skank
Me! :D

.. I should just leave it at that, for serious. :')


What is there to say?

After I up and decided that Lynne/Molly/Tori/araphen would then be known as Harlot, I dubbed myself 'Skank', since she couldn't think of an awesome name to go with her own. This was actually the second time I'd been someone's skank, as a girl I used to know at school would call us all her lovely skanks, lulz. But yeah she blew everyone off to drink and go to clubs in California, so.. lol, fuck her I guess. >:|


-is her skank forever-

5. 4chan
My first visit to 4chan was one someone linked /y/ and, believe it or not, I wasn't THAT BIG of a pervert before, so I kind of.. browsed briefly, and then clicked out. When I wandered back around to it (awesome fanart much?) I mainly browsed /cm/ because.. you know, it used to not fail quite as much as now. Or maybe it did and I just.. didn't pay attention to it. From /cm/ I branched out to several other boards and.. uh.. well, that's about it?

I'm mostly in /tg/ these days, because I love the eloquen/tg/entlemen, and even the troll threads are amusing sometimes. /tg/ got me reading 40K, and into various games that I.. don't really play but just make ridiculous characters for/from and have fun with doing that. .. I am supposed to have a D&D 3.5 game coming up though, for other delicious noobs like myself, so maybe I should stop browsing /tg/ and get back to figuring out what I want to do with my probably-gonna-be-a-Rogue character in the making. 8D;

and.. that's every thing.

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