and we might be getting eyeglass appointments on Wednesday. +__+
plus, I got a haircut Saturday and my layout now features the 3 gorgeous faces of old!Placebo.
This week is shaping up nicely, already.
The vet was supposed to see him last Thursday, but had too many animals to see and didn't get to him. I was half-understanding (he/she's only one person, after all) but also a bit upset, because.. uh.. we have 120$ with that dog's name on it, and they couldn't bump him up the list in front of random dog #345975? Then an older guy who volunteers there, I assume, told us "whut. he's too small to be neutered yet, take him home." so mom gets all excited! and agrees to sign off on shit to get him neutered, and get a wellness check up right away. BUT THEN they give us some other mumbo jumbo about why he CAN'T come home with us after all.
None of this would be as bad if he wasn't a dog that is bound to attract plenty of attention from other people as well. One lady already tried adopting him before us, but was told no because of the "needs to be neutered" thing. They're going to try and make him a priority this upcoming Thursday, but the ladies were like "lol, but no guarantees." which, fine, understandable but annoying, whatever. sure we'll wait weeks and weeks for this fucking dog, fine.
The biggest worry is how he'll be feeling if he gets seen Thursday. If he seems fine, on his feet, and whatnot, then we can take him! which would be nice since it's mom's day off, and nobody would be able to snatch him up. BUT IF HE'S NOT, and he's not a big hardy looking guy (I mean, he's a puppy for shit's sake) so this is more likely, they'll want to keep him overnight. And mom has to work Friday/Saturday/Sunday. and Ms. Rhonda is in Africa so we have no one who could give me a ride there to get him right away Friday. so. yeah.
It's looking extremely fucking iffy, and this upsets me more than it should. I know they're just following protocol, but haven't these bitches heard of BENDING THE RULES A LITTLE? It would break my mom and my sister's heart if we lose this dog to some other fucker.
and mom's home. and I'm on the computer in the living room (yey, sound!) so uh. that's all folks! 8D