+ I had a haircut today! I had forgotten my hair was actually this dark. /fail If I did not like coloring it so much, I would leave it his way for a while.
+ After haircut, I bought hair color /o/!! Sally's didn't have either of Manic Panic's orange colors, so I got
electric lizard and
ultra violet. Then I came home, found
Tiger Lily online for cheap and have decided that, when it comes in, I will do it and ultra violet together. I gotta say, as much as I'd rather have another job (and as much as I'll need one for the different hours this summer) it will suck to work somewhere that actually cares that my hair is weird colored.
+ I don't think I've ever written about how Aiden abandoned us and was picked up by another family, but now you know.
+ Now you also know that after a couple of months without a mutt, my sister suckered my mom into letting us get a puppy. His name is Sweets. He is adorable, but it's the same situation as every other pet we have- nobody else is willing to train/feed/clean up after him because it's assumed I'll be doing it. I do not find this arrangement entirely agreeable. 8|
+ Unfortunately, since I named him Sweets, I've spent the last couple of days resisting the urge to tell mom and her boyfriend to fuck off. FYI, you two, animals don't understand human language. You could name the dog Shithead and it would act the exact same way as a dog named Fluffy. Following that logic (what I previously thought of as obvious fucking logic), naming the dog Sweets is not going to make him want to have sex with male dogs any more than if his name was MANLY-MAN MCSTRAIGHT. I don't like the word 'faggot', and I don't think it's okay to use it, even towards a dog. (Nor during Project Runway, even if the people on the screen can't hear you.) I get it: you don't like homosexuals (at least not when they're male!), but keep that shitty fucking word out of my house and, if you insist on using it at all, far the fuck away from where my sister can learn it. I had genuinely thought, some months ago, that mom was getting better at being tolerant, if not accepting of other people, so this is pretty disappointing.
+ I am not losing enough weight. At this rate, fall will roll around and I will still be a lazy fatass talking about getting out of Cove, but nowhere closer to it. I can't do that. If I can't get the fuck out of here, I don't know what I'll do. I don't even mind that that sounds really dramatic. I've decided to start adding strength training in addition to jogging, instead of swapping them out on alternating days. I also have a Jillian Michaels DVD to try, which is sort of embarrassing to admit, but if it works? I will shout the shit from the rooftops.
+ I've begun cleaning up/out my room, so I can get my books onto shelves instead of stacked on the floor. Which is a very good idea, since I probably have a couple hundred dollars in WoD books alone. I actually won a couple of others recently for very cheap, and I am rather proud at the size my collection has grown to. 8)
+ Ikea actually has some sturdy bookshelves I'm looking into getting, this summer when we go back up there after mom's AT. They can hold up to appx. a hundred pounds per shelf, which.. is excellent since White Wolf's books can get heavy after you stack them together.
+ Tax return should be coming in this Friday /o/ I plan on getting a Wii with it. :> And hopefully some more books or something if I have any left after getting Wii Fit to go with it.
+ An
Asian elephant should be coming in this week too. 8)! My mom ordered us each an animal from Build-A-Bear for
Horny Werewolf Day. /spoiled I am still deciding what to name him.
+ I found
Alex Evans blog the other day and feel like such a fucking stalker or something. He's the face that inspired my Connor so it's..weird and awesome at once. Poor kid. Inadvertently inspiring characters all the way across the continent in the minds of fat ugly chicks who then laugh like a dope at how awesome it is to see 'Connor' writing a blog. /fail
I Love You Phillip Morris is finally going to come out this year! \o/ I saw a trailer for it forever ago so damn it's about time. According to Ewan McGregor's interview with Out, it had to be re-edited (read: de-gayed) somewhat in order to actually get a US release, which is a shame, but it's still going to be a fun story. (And I can always hope for the original to be released on DVD?)
+ I got my hands on
The Transgender Reader, which I have been looking forward to getting to read. *_* I might skip around through the articles for now, and go back and fill in the blanks later. Possibly over the summer, when I plan on working through the other two textbooks I have. o/!!
+ I think Disney channel music is becoming a guilty pleasure. Damn it! ;;!!
I thought I had something else to talk about, but I guess not. Then again, long entry is long already, so.