Jan 25, 2010 00:55
oh lawd.
I just realized that tomorrow today is the 25th. SCE (co. I work for) will be doing disconnects again for the first time in over a month. (I almost forgot how to check for the collection amount..) We are going to be busy as fuck and I'm still awake at going on 1 in the morning. I think it's actually a good thing I fucked off and left early so many days last week. The call volume, and the fact that I only get one day off this week, is going to make me want to shake people, violently.
Thank fuck I have Warren Ellis books coming in the mail. And also a couple of zombie attack/apocalypse books- one by Max Brooks (not World War Z, although I did try for it), and the other that's supposed to be more serious, actual plans of attack and survival and what have you. Because that kind of information is exactly what I'll need when I go rogue, or turn into a vigilante, or zombies actually happen, or something, you know.
oh fuck. I guess I'd better piss and then get off to bed. I will dream that life will one day be awesome for all of us. night.♥
job stuff,
see fm ramble,
oh god it's a blogthing,
comic books,