creepy motherfuckers always ruin an otherwise great night. I mean, don't get me wrong, there's nothing so special about me that would catch anyone's interest, but plenty of halfway decent people have been gutted for less than being interesting. so when creepy motherfucker in army fatigue colored pants decides to randomly start running behind me from out of fucking nowhere, yes I am going to cross over to the other side of the street. and yeah, I'm vaguely curious as to why he ended up on the side of the street I crossed to after I crossed the street again to head towards home. maybe he's just a weird kid who likes scaring the fuck out of people! maybe I'm still glad I carry a SOG with me when I go running. talk about surprises though! I saw him before I heard him, thanks to my headphones. I like listening to music when I run, you asshole. if you've ruined that for me I will find you and kick your ass to there and back again. >:|
I have decided that it makes very little sense that running one mile, and then running just under two miles, is easier than just running one mile, or just running just under two miles.
I've decided it's gross to feel sweaty and hot and yet cold and starting-to-get-sick at the same time. but at least my headache went away! I am having trouble with inspiration, again, and this is not a surprise. I have decided to not care and shower/read/veg out to CSI. Again, no big surprise. 8)
I have decided that I am very grateful I got sick on my day off as opposed to a work day. Although I have also decided that I sort of wish I had tomorrow off, and hadn't decided to cover those extra five hours this Saturday. But I also decided that I like money, and that I could use a pair of running shoes, so. :')
will start writing better entries again sometime in the near future.