araphen Leave me a comment and I'll respond by asking you five questions so I can get to know you better. Update your journal with the answers to the questions. Include this explanation in the post and offer to ask other people questions.
1. The polka: weird, awesome, or deserves to be nuked?
Eh, weird, I guess. I have no problem with the polka, so long as polka dancers know that they will never be as cool as swing.
I.. I WISH I KNEW. aside from those icons, I have no idea. 8( HE JUST... IS?
3. Do you have any daily traditions? If so, what?
aside from the whole.. food/water/hygiene thing? Not really. I don't even jog every day anymore, just 6 days a week. 8( /boring
4. What is your favorite OC you've come up with so far?
Uhm.. it's impossible to pick just one. It's like asking a parent which kid is their favorite. Sure, you like some more than others, but you love them all. I think my favorite ones to write though are any member of the Kay/Trayton family tree. Because that is an awesome family and. well, I think they're interesting. and collectively they've surprised me more than any other set of muses, so, that's always fun.
5. If you had been informed you had 48 hours to live, what would you do?
Steal a Harley, ride around for a bit. Take a plane to England, and see London, if nothing else. Destroy everything of mine. If I can't have my half-formed stories and characters and ideas, no one can. 8| OH, MAYBE MEET TOM WAITS? 'cause that would be cool. or have a beer with Warren Ellis. cool as well.
all of this is provided that I'm not in a position to take over the world before I kick it. :|b
and now, back to Psych, and my regularly scheduled eventless Saturday. hopefully one of the books I bought will come in soon.