I've just had online discussion with
mnesarete about what our grandmothers are cooking, and came to think: what about pies? She didn't mention any. My grandmother always cooked pies, and there were big pies (pirogi) and little pies (pirozhki). She made piroshki with meat, or with rice and eggs, or with apples, or sometimes with raisins. My favourite ones were with apples, yum! And she was making sometimes big pirog - big pie, with either cabbage and eggs, or with jam. I liked the one with jam and with web of pastry on top.
It's a thing in Russian culture that grandmothers are always depicted traditionally as making pies.
I dunno how those deal with it who can't make pies...
Do Kiwi grandmothers make pies? And if they do - what do they stuff them with?