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I think I might actually be dying!
Okay so I’m probably not but I do feel especially rough at the moment. It seems that I’ve got a simple cold that’s turned into a slightly chesty cough, helped in no small part by the fact that last week I was smoking something like 40 a day…way way way above my usual average (which is for some reason, about 17-18 not 20. *shrug*). In any case I’m coughing up what can only be described as evil gloop on an almost hourly basis and the smell of Diet Coke makes me want to vomit.
Maybe I’m pregnant too. I’m gonna have to 118 for The Sun’s number I think.
I’ve not really got anything to say other than I got my 1Gb memory card for my DX6490 today, which means I can now record at least an hour of video or around 800 full size 4MP images.
The reason I bring this up is because I’m trying to find a decent way or converting the Quicktime video that my Kodak DX6490 records into a more friendly format. This on a windows PC would be a fairly easy task however I’m using Ubuntu Linux (6.10). I’ve tried Avidemux and LiVES but neither quite do what I want.
So my question to you dear internet is this: Is there an application which is as simple and effective to use for mostly basic editing as Windows Movie Maker, something that could maybe import quick time video and export mpg.