Gizmodo has a contest to Photoshop (or, in my case,
Gimp) up a cartoon by mangling
Google's chrome cartoon. I created this entry, which keeps to my usual mix of low satire and bathroom humor.
I have to say that of all the perks I've heard about working at Google, being put into a comic has got to take the cake. There's only a few professions that normally end up in comics: superheroes, terrorists, police, cab drivers, popes, prostitutes and reporters (not necessarily in that order).
Software developers are normally out of luck when it comes to appearing in comics they do not themselves draw. I would leap at the opportunity to end up in a comic explaining $EMPLOYERS_PRODUCT, fully aware as I am that a simple four-step operation can wipe out my talk bubble and replace it with a caption about how I thirst for the taste of human kidneys.