A computer I built two years ago with lots of help from you guys (and finally a computer specialist in town) has been dead for a couple of months. I think I've resolved it to a problem in the motherboard. I'd like to hear what you think about it, particularly if you think the problem might be with CPU or memory instead.
A bunch of symptoms )
Memory can be a pretty easy one to rule in/out. Memtest86 has done well for me. This may not help if you don't have a copy (might be a boot option on the FC5 disk; Gentoo started including it) or a way to write a disc, or if you can't boot much of anything from CD, but I think it's worth mentioning.
To expand on Luvcraft's suggestion, your bios setup utility may have an option to examine the power supply voltages if you don't have access to a spare PS and/or volt meter.
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