Losing it

Dec 14, 2005 00:43

heh, it's getting really fucking close to the first time i'll get to see my girlfriend since we parted on September 10, so i suppose that to get to a set of days as happy as those few weeks are going to be, karma dictates that i'll need to have some shitty ones first.

Take today, for instance. today had virtually NOTHING going for me

woke up to my stomache and intestines rejecting any and all material remotely resembling food that they contained. went to the bathroom. had another attack anyway (WTF??) while i was driving home, and if anyone knows how my stomache is on a bad day, then they'll know that it was a race against time to get home. i spend weeks without any real trouble, and the first day it hurts it's THAT bad? fuckin a

exams thus far are a joke, which today only fueled my aggravation. waking up hurt, and so i do it, shower, dress, and start my day on a severe lack of sleep (partially because i lost track of time last night, but mostly because i had trouble falling asleep for some reason), and the most you can give me is a pathetic little scantron that lasts 10 minutes? i'm glad i didn't waste very much time in study, because it so would not have been worth it. two more to go...and one of them's AFTER the weekend. ugh

work sucked. lately it was kind of aggravating because of the prolonged rushes, but at least on those days there was something to do. today, you ask? dead. literally hour-long periods of time without a single customer. i had a book in my car, and after i went to get it, i was literally able to read almost a hundred pages of it before closing tonight. Goddamn

Didn't get to talk to Genevieve afterward, either...which probably would've been the one glimmer of light in all this. i don't know how that girl does it, but she barely needs to say more than one little thing to make me feel loads better. tonight, she was still out, and wasn't going back home until the next day, so didn't really talk to me, which really blows. i suppose i can't really rely on her, though....she's more stressed out than i am, what with her massive to-do list. i was a little upset, but that was more because i was looking forward to being able to have a conversation with her and unwind from all this bullshit....erg.

tomorrow should be better. all i can say is, after a day like today, i'm really glad that my weekday off of work is tomorrow this week, and not thursday. i could really use the rest from driving all the fucking time.
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