4th of July I was extremely tired so we just sat around and did nothing and I was content. Sometimes it's nice to be able to just hang out and not have to do anything but relax and listen to music. Doing nothing with a friend is definately more fun than doing nothing and being alone for some reason. Either that or I was just so tired that I wasn't in the mood for doing anything which is why I didn't mind. My fam leaves to go to Lake Hartwell on Thursday. Looks like I won't get to go wakeboarding or tubing this summer
Now I have to figure out when to quit my job so that I can go to Warped Tour with Laur and the gang and find time to hang out before school starts.
Ganked this from Miotch...
F i r s t s
First best friend: Mandy
First kiss on the lips: I s'pose my mom
First funeral: grandma
First pets: Maggie
First big trip: England, France, Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Switzerland
First music you remember hearing in your house: 80's stuff, prolly like R.E.M.
First time(you know): I'm too young for these kinds of sketch activities.
L a s t s
Last car ride: Drop Mike off from party
Last good cry: Reading a really sad book.
Last movie seen: The Prince and Me
Last beverage drank: Milk (not strawberry but oh well)
Last food consumed: Peanut butter bagel
Last phone call: My mom and sister who are shopping for me atm apparently
Last time showered: Just got out
Last item bought: Pirate ship for mah bud.
R e l a t i o n s h i p s
01. Who are your very best friends? Closest friends are: Ash, Shelbz, LP, Mike
02. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? No
F a s h i o n | S t u f f
01. Where is your favorite place to shop?: Harris Teeter
02. Any tattoos or piercings?: Heck no!
S p e c i f i c s
01. Do you do drugs?: I'm a caffeine addict
02. What kind of shampoo do you use?: Loreal Kids or Suave (they smell good)
03. What are you most scared of? Rejection
04. What are you listening to right now? My family's conversation downstairs cuz they just walked in.
05. Where do you want to get married?: A church.
06. How many buddies are online right now?: 2
07. What would you change about yourself?: My face
F a v o r i t e s
01. Color: Light Green
02. Food: Prime Rib maybe
03. Subjects in school: Psychology
04. Animals: Badgers
05. Sports: Wrestling and Soccer
H a v e | Y o u | E v e r
01. Taken a bath with someone? When I was really little.
02. Smoked? No
03. Made yourself throw up?: No
04. Skinny dipped?: No
05: Been in love?: I s'pose you could say that
06. Made yourself cry to get out of trouble?: I wish, my sister used to do that and get me in trouble all the time.
07. Pictured a crush naked?: No
08. Actually seen a crush naked? No
09. Cried when someone died? No
10. Lied?: Unfortunately, only for the better though.
11. Fallen for your best friend?: No
13. Been rejected?: Yes
14. Rejected someone?: Yes
15. Used someone?: No
16. Done something you regret?: Yes
C u r r e n t
Clothes: Wrestling Championship shirt
Make-up: I'm a guy.
Smell: No idea, prolly like the stuff I use when I shower. I don't think I have a smell but what eva.
Desktop picture: It's my dad's comp so I don't touch anything.
A r e | Y o u
Open minded: I like to think so...
Interesting: Once you get to know me.
Moody: No, sometimes in the morning or if someone REALLY PISSES me off.
Hardworking: I guess it's all in the eyes of the beholder. I work hard at work most of the time but at the same time I'm a lazy slacker.
Responsible: I like to think so...
Angry: About once a year.
Sad: Often
Disappointed: Too often
Talkative: I think this is a question for others. Prolly depends on who you are. Cuz I can be sometimes and other times I'm not.
W h i c h | I s | B e t t e r
Coke or Pepsi: Pepsi
Flowers or Candy: CANDY!!!!!!
Long or Short: Ummm.... I won't ask or comment what this is in reference to.
R a n d o m
In the morning I am: Tired or getting rdy to go to bed if I was working...
All I need is: Happiness.
What do you notice first about a person: Their smile and their eyes.
Who makes you laugh the most: Prolly Matt F. I don't know I laugh a lot with all my friends cuz we're always doin weird stuff.