There are not two shows more poorly suited to being watched sequentially than Ugly Betty and Supernatural. One is a kicky little telenovela with surprising heart and an eye-popping color palette. The other is a campy little horror show with fraternal angst and the lighting budget of a bankrupt coal mine (although they are getting better). Trying to watch one after the other is enough to make your head implode at the dissonance. Which isn't to say that I won't be making the effort. It's just weird.
So. Supernatural. -
"You've always been a freak."
"Shut UP!" "I'm tryin'..." Hee! Brothers.
Also? Hee! Texans.
Dean is generally a pretty good judge of character. Granted, part of that was transference-protection of Sam and part of it was based on congruent automotive tastes. But he wasn't wrong.
"You've always been a freak." Nice attempt at a save. Pity baby brother isn't buying it.
And how much do I love that Dean calls Andy's mojo a Jedi mind trick and then is so clearly tickled by his "These are not the droids you're looking for" at the records hall? Hee! They're so on the same wavelength.
"I have an evil twin..." Heh. I like Andy.
Oh, Jo. That music. Dean's horrified expression. Hee!
Oh, Dean. That singing. Sam's horrified expression. Hee!
Yes, you should be afraid of Ellen. She looks like she could be a Derevko.
"You be good, Andy. Or we'll be back." That was an awesome delivery. Is it just me or is Jensen's voice more gravelly this season?
Oh, Sam. Doesn't the phrase "justifiable homicide" mean anything to your little pre-law school brain? That "murder" just saved two other people's lives. I get his lack of perspective. But that doesn't make me want to smack him and his philosophical/ linguistic issues any less.
"I call a do-over." "What are you - seven?" Hee! Brothers.
Again, as if they didn't have enough issues before. *sigh*
* * *
And Ugly Betty. "Is THIS the look?"
This is why episodes should not be shown out of order. It makes the characterizations all wonky and uneven-looking.
I do not want to feel bad for Amanda, dammit. But they just keep fleshing out these darn two-dimensional characters.
Amanda and Betty were practically chummy in this one. I could get used to that. In small doses. Interspersed with long spells of cattiness and backstabbing.
The Suarez House of Horrors and Ignacio's childlike delight at it all was too adorable. The pumpkin-carving "accident"... and his daughters' dual faces of are-you-finished-yet? Hysterical.
"I guess this means I win!" And this is why we love Betty. She is awesome.
Walter. Argh. I get why he's here and what he represents to Betty. But can we move on now? Please?
Henry. Adorkable. He can stick around for a while.
Well, after now having met both of Daniel's parents, his screwed-upedness isn't exactly inexplicable, is it? Such lovely role models.
I have to admit that Claire is awfully amusing with her snark, but making Daniel help her fall off the wagon was all kinds of uncomfortable.
Apparently all Meades (and Grandpa Jack) have self-control issues. I wonder what Alex's thorn was? And how did he die anyway? It seems like that should be a point somewhere.
Not nearly enough interaction between Daniel and Betty. But I love how she is fearless in calling him on his crap. He needs that reality check. And I like how he's defensive about it, but not offended. He's acknowledging her right to call him on his crap - the way one does to a friend whose opinion matters.
On the shallow end of spectrum - his reaction to the butterfly costume... Hee! There's that initial moment of stunned gawping, followed by a shrug, and then he just rolls with it. Eventually, he's not even going to blink at it anymore.
It's nice to see that it finally seems to be sinking in to Daniel that he maybe needs to get his act together before he winds up just like his parents. (With all the raining anvils, how could he miss it?) But sudden introspection aside, he still never clues in to Amanda. He never even manages to remember that she was Monday Girl, much less see how deeply she's hurt by that. The boy obviously still has a long way to go.
Also, I watched the first half of Resident Evil, solely because Eric Mabius is in it. And zombies. Hee. So far, all he's done is wander around in handcuffs from pretty much the instant he's introduced, quietly notice all sorts of things that his military escort seems intent on ignoring, steal the key to his cuffs, catch his pants on fire (yes, seriously), calmly put it out, and kick a zombie in the face. Then Ugly Betty came on and we flipped channels. More later. But so far? Hee! And also, nice haircut.