"Spencer, get off my lap."

Aug 07, 2006 08:50

Random weekend television:
SG1 - Still haven't seen it. But there's Ba'al, the only Goa'uld in the history of ever to have a modicum of fashion sense, so it can't be all bad.
SGA - A one hour demonstration of the principle: Ronon is good at killing things. Not much by way of plot, but lots of exploding fun anyway. There are worse ways to spend an evening. (See last week.)
Psych - Hee! Still absolutely adoring this show. (And the promo for "Captain Crunch" is never going to stop being funny. Hee!)
4400 - Poor Shawn is screwed no matter what he does. He does scruff up nicely though.

So. Ossian's latest hobby: imaginary horse racing. Equination.net is an awesome time-waster. I'm not particularly into real horse racing and really only started this so I could name the horses. The spiffy names are the best part. I've always thought that Sidhe's Magic was a brilliant name for a horse, and now I have one. *g* Anyway, the racing turns out to be kind of fun after all. I've raced two of my seven horses so far and placed in both races. My created horse came in second, but my bought horse won. Star has almost managed to win back what I paid for him. I would be more excited if they hadn't been racing against double-imaginary horses though. (Ghost horses fill in if there aren't enough "real" imaginary horses to run the race.) Come play with me so I don't have to go meet new people.

In other news, the Dorklings have started back to (home) school. The Boy is doing second grade work this year. Niecelings #1 and #2 are being treated as twins and are both doing kindergartenish stuff, although Nieceling #1 has to do extra reading. And Nieceling #3, never one to be left out, has demanded that she get "school work" too. So there is much ado about addition and state capitals and handwriting and coloring at the mei-mei's. Van Gogh was the artist-of-the-week and they all painted their own sunflower pictures on Friday. The Boy, of course, was much more interested in the ear thing than the painting, but the Niecelings managed some very nice pictures.

Oh, and piano lessons started back this weekend. Nieceling #1 has happily finished level A and declared she's not taking any more lessons until she turns six. Nieceling #2, on the other hand, still can't wait until she's deemed old enough for them. And Nieceling #3 still just plunks a random book down on the stand, demands "Piano lesson NOW!", and bangs out a few notes before flipping the pages all the way through the book. As for The Boy, there is still much whinging "This is too haaaarrrrddd!" until I finally bully him to actually finish a song and then he's all "Oh that was easy." We are all much amused that this week's song is "Little Green Frog".

As for a random bit of churchy thoughts - My House-watching Sunday School teacher brought up something I'd never really thought about before, but it kinda makes sense if you're into that sort of thing. In Christian eschatology, nobody knows when the world is going to end, not even Satan. So there always has to be an antichrist in place in every generation. That's why people can point here and there and say "Oh, Hitler is the antichrist" or "It's Nero" or "Nietzsche". They all could have been antichrists, but not The Antichrist. Right guys, wrong times. Just thought it was a randomly interesting theory.

Also, am trying to work manga into the church library. I think it may be working. Hee!

sci-fi friday, horses, dorklings

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