"It's interesting. It's intriguing... But it's not normal."

Apr 11, 2006 08:24

Am here avoiding answering emails from stupid people. How is it even possible that the depths of stupidity they reached yesterday have already been exceeded by the depths they've managed to reach today? Once again, words fail me and it will likely be several hours before I can compose something more professional than "You! Out of the gene pool!"

So, in brighter news... Aloha! I am loved. Da and the Step are back from Hawaii (which seems to have gained an apostrophe since I was in grade school) and they brought me back a) a beautiful black and copper coffee mug, b) a spiffy bilingual dictionary, and c) a Hawaiian language Bible. Am most pleased. So last night I had coffee in my new mug whilst I thumbed through my new dictionary and fiddled around comparing the new Hawaiian Bible with the spiffy Maori one that Kara and Allie awesomely conspired to get me last year. My collection is coming along nicely.

I also watched the pilot episode and "Wendigo" of Supernatural - for research purposes, of course. Have concluded that wow, the pilot episode was cheesy. Good thing it had such pretty leads was already showing signs of character potential. Also, I might as well be watching this show on a black and white television set for all the color they don't have. They seriously have no lighting budget whatsoever. The last twenty minutes of "Wendigo" are so dark that the actors are virtually indistinguishable from each other or the background. It's almost painful to watch.

Random note: After watching the pilot again, I still hate that it's probably only crappy editing that has Dean making TWO near-miraculous appearances in attempts to save Sammy's life. He apparently apparates from some random phone booth in the middle of nowhere to the ghost's old house in about a minute and a half. Then there's the awesome bursting in the front door of Sam's apartment after not really even having time to properly park the car, much less drive around the block. How I would love for there to be some spiffy and supernatural explanation for how and why he does that. But alas, I fear this is just a side-effect of low-budget WB pilot-editing. *sigh*

Anyway, after two hours of eye-strain, I popped in a Keen Eddie disc just to see bright people on my screen again. I still love that show. It still makes me laugh out loud no matter how many times I've seen an episode. Pippin is so utterly screwy that I think I love him more every time I watch. He's so randomly and unexpectedly inappropriate and Eddie is constantly looking at him with this expression somewhere between amusement and wondering where he can find commitment papers for the boy. I still think one of my favorite lines from this whole series is "I'm trying to picture you with an acceptable personality." Hee!

Which reminds me... Harriet Jones. Love her, too. I love that she has the same tendency toward randomly inappropriate responses in the face of chaos and calamity that the Doctor does. About to be eaten by aliens who've just called your bluff? Pass the port to the left. Hee! I'm given to understand that this two-parter was actually one of the weaker arcs of the first season, so I'm not too concerned about not being overly impressed by it. It was fun, but not brilliant. Except for the rather charming confession of "I could save the world but lose you" and the gradual warming of the Doctor to Mickey-the-Idiot (the world is in your hands), not a whole lot jumps out at me in need of commentary this week. Am much looking forward to the advent of Daleks in this Friday's ep, though.

And on the Dorkling front...

The Boy informed me "You use the word 'actually' a lot."

Nieceling #1 decided to quit piano lessons. For the eighth consecutive week. And was bribed back with pages of theory work and flashcards.

Nieceling #2 decided to let her hair grow out "like Rapunzel". And that her older sister could be "the dragon".

Nieceling #3 replied to my perfectly reasonable question of "Where are your pants?" with the classic kid-logic response of "I don't need pants."

Oh, and Psycho Puppy is overjoyed that her Puppy Pool (currently sans tadpoles) has reappeared. And she proceeds to pounce in it every single time I let her outside despite the fact that it may be ten o'clock at night and it's time for bed and I don't want wet puppy feet prancing around on my comforter... In retrospect, perhaps we ought to move the Puppy Pool to somewhere slightly less accessible.

doctor who, keen eddie, supernatural, dorklings

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