Finally managed to catch up on some taped shows. Quick comments.
24 - Chloe is a riot. It's awesome how she will literally do anything -absolutely anything- for Jack, no questions asked. But absolutely everyone else gets her nose wrinkled at them and an expression that clearly says, "Yeah? What's your damage?" Hee!
House - Forget Holmes and Watson. They're clearly Oscar and Felix. Favorite part of the episode -aside from Chase and Foreman gawping at Cameron's threesome theory- was the morning montage at Casa House. Loved the bit in that with Wilson blithely apologizing to House, thinking the man wanted to use the bathroom he'd been primping in for an hour, while House gives him the patented "you idiot" glare and snits that he would have preferred to sleep. Oh, or maybe my favorite part was Cuddy needing to hear no more than a single sentence of ranting to know that House was to blame. Again. Oh, or perhaps Chase's narration to Cameron about why House was even more snippy that usual because of Wilson's "noisy toenails". Hee! He just has the air of someone who's had to listen to a story (undoubtedly told in great, ranting detail) that he had no particular interest in hearing the first time so he's cheerfully entertaining himself by inflicting it on Cameron, too.
I'm starting to become quite fond of Chase again. He may not be getting the one-on-one scenes that Cameron and Foreman have had lately, but he does actually do quite a bit in the background and group scenes. And I still think he's the most level-headed, unassuming of the Ducklings. Cameron and Foreman still get on their high-horses and cling more stubbornly and obnoxiously to wrong-headed theories while Chase is still, for the most part, much more go-with-the-flow. I think he has less difficulty with the initial transition to outside-the-box thinking than the other two do.
Bones - This show has definitely found its feet. I still can't believe how much I actively disliked Zack and Hodgins in the early episodes and how much I really like them now. I like that Hodgins and Goodman are conspiring -together, no less- to kick Zack's butt into gear. I also really like that they're continuing to show how Booth is increasingly thinking of the Squints as his own people. I was a bit surprised that they were letting him rummage around Bones' desk without one of them glowering at him and protesting, but I guess he's growing on them too. (Or -per last week's ep- contaminating them. Heh.) I love how Booth shows up at (what I assume was) Kirk's place with coffee and doughnuts for both Angela and Bones, cheerfully griping about the heat and absolutely refusing to leave to let Bones change. Boy can do "charmingly goofy" amazingly well. I also liked the little scene at the end where Bones is blithering on about chance and the size of the universe and Angela fondly tells her that she doesn't "know what that means". It's the fondness in her tone/expression that sells it. That's one of the few instances lately where I've felt that I get what they've been trying to do with Tempe.
And tonight, finally, new Supernatural. It's about bloody time.