
Nov 09, 2008 16:13

So a friend sent me this link 'cause she thought it was interesting anyway.

It's about white-winged vampire bats and a recent study that was done on a colony. It's pretty cool. Apparently, adult white-winged vampire bats will "sing" to each other. This is really interesting 'cause there are only two other bats that are known to sing to communicate, and that's only between mothers and pups. Even cooler, none of the bat species that sing are related to each other closely at all. White-winged Vampire bats are in a family with the only two other vampire bats in the world. So the singing evolved independently of each other! Yay science!

The coolest part though was at the very end of the article. The bats that the research was done on were a colony from Trinidad that now lives in New Mexico. And there's only one colony of White-winged Vampire bats in New Mexico. They're the bats I helped move in and took care of for a year in Tijeras at Talking Talons! Even better, the picture up at the top is totally Mary, the one bat that got kicked out of the colony when they moved in. She got super attached to people and we used her for presentations and pictures. I totally got to carry her around all the time. It's really neat hearing that a group of bats I worked with helped some researchers learn about the entire species. :3  So exciting!

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