(no subject)

Feb 10, 2008 09:45

So I woke up this morning with Koa attacking my feet. This isn't anything new, sometimes she'll get her toys stuck in my covers and attack at the general area until she finds them again. Since my alarm was going off anyway, I sat up and moved the covers to help her look for it (usually I just stay asleep and move my feet until she finds it).

I pull the covers aside and see a mouse. No, not a toy fuzzy mouse, a real little grey house mouse. Great. I grabbed a metal wastepaper basket and put it on top of the poor little thing. Koa wasn't very happy. :p I wondered how my bumbly kitty could've caught a mouse at all, so I took a closer look it. Turns out, she has some sort of respiratory infection. Possibly just a cold, as her (I checked) eyes were a bit crusty. If she were a pet mouse, I'd give her some antibiotics twice and day and hope for the best, but her chances would still be slim. Since she's (unfortunately) essentially a wild mouse, I put her in the basket with a book on top in the closet. It's warm and dark in there and hopefully her last day will be peaceful. :/ She probably won't make it through the rest of the day. Sad, but that's life.

I then took a shower, with Koa glaring at me for taking her "toy". Thanks creepy stalker kitty. Get ready, head downstairs to warm up my car. There are raccoon prints in the snow next to my car. Not weird, but then I noticed coon prints next to my door, and smudged prints and a claw scratch ON the door. So last night a raccoon tried to break into my car. Awesome. The tracks look like he gave up, and ended up sleeping under the car. I checked, of course, before turning it on, but he was gone already.

For some reason the local wildlife has decided that, as of last night, they all like me, and my stuff is the place to be. Where all the cool (or sick, I guess) animals go to hang yo. Or something. Very weird.
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