May 22, 2008 01:11
Eh? No, doesn’t quite work from that angle either.
Criminal Minds does many, many things very well, but season finales are not one of them. This is better than Fisher King, Part 1, but really. Where did this Morgan come from? And for that matter, not-quite-Haley British special agent who “liaised” with Hotch?
On the subject of the car explosion: assuming someone actually dies, my money’s on Hotch or JJ.
JJ, because the baby storyline could go wrong in so many ways that killing her off would be easier than dealing with it, and the fact that she’s pregnant makes it extra sad.
Hotch, because he’s in a downward spiral so it would be totally tragic. Plus, everyone loves Hotch, so it would hurt horrendously, which I’m sure would fill the Criminal Minds writers with glee.
The others are as close to emotionally stable as Criminal Minds characters get, so killing them wouldn’t complete any kind of emotional arc. It would just feel pointless and cruel. Which doesn't mean the writer's won't do it. They'll just get less bang for their buck that way.
But if it’s Prentiss, I will cry.
Which means it's probably Prentiss.