I finished a draft of the Sage novel! Oh my God, I actually have a draft! It only took... four years to complete, oh wow, but I wasn't actively working on it for most of those four years so that's not as bad as it sounds.
I walked over to the ice cream store to celebrate, and got one of the chocolate-dipped cones and the chocolate got a bit melty in the hot sun and it was delicious, and I am contemplating buying myself this
Breaking Cat News mug to celebrate a bit more.
Then I got out A. S. Byatt's Possession, which I intended to read for the 2016 Reading Challenge "a book published before you were born"... only to discover that the book was published in 1990, at which point I was already tottering around and learning important lessons about not chewing on books.
I was 100% sure that Possession was published in 1980. It's very disturbing to realize that I was so certain and so wrong at the same time.
I'm still going to read it, because I've been planning to read it this month for aaaages and also I talked
evelyn_b into reading it along with me. (Join us if you like! We could be a peculiarly dispersed little reading group!) But clearly I'll need a new book for the challenge.