30 Days of Fandom Meme: Day 27

Oct 05, 2015 11:56

27 - Where is your favorite place to write, and do you write by hand or on the computer?

My favorite place to write is wherever I can get the words to flow! I keep my computer by the couch in the family room, and I generally write on the couch there, although now that I have a laptop with a battery that actually functions I should perhaps try using it in different places around the house to see if inspiration strikes anywhere else.

Most often I write on the computer, but I also compose in longhand fairly regularly. I carry a little notebook with me just in case I have inspiration on my lunch break at work or while I’m out walking or whatever.

Particularly if I get stuck on a scene, it often helps to switch from computer to longhand or vice versa; I guess the change helps shake a few thoughts loose in my brain.

writing, memes

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