Nov 16, 2014 10:58
I've been watching season one of Agents of SHIELD, and I'm not sure why the internet hates this show so much. Maybe it's because I went into it with my expectations suitably lowered - I can see why it would be a disappointment if you went into it hoping for the second coming of television - but it seems pretty solidly entertaining to me. It's nothing special so far, but then I'm only a couple episodes in; and I can already tell all the characters apart, which is a lot faster than it took for me to tell apart the characters in, say, Reign.
I've given up on Reign, by the way. The surface is very glittery, but none of the more solid qualities I was hoping for ever materialized: neither coherent characterization nor the ability to plot one's way out of a paper bag, on the part of either the characters or the writers. (I knew better than to hope for a take on history that was either accurate or interesting.) When even Queen Catherine (who is quite the best thing on the show, unless the ridiculous fashion counts) became an incompetent schemer, I gently drifted away from the show.
agents of shield,