Day 29: Current TV show obsession; and Day 30: Saddest character death.

Aug 02, 2014 10:15

Day 29 - Current TV show obsession.

I don’t really have one right now. Whoops?

That is a short and boring entry, so I’m also going to do Day 30: Saddest character death.

ALL CHARACTER DEATHS MAKE ME SAD. ALL OF THEM. I rarely watch the critically acclaimed dark and gritty dramas that everyone else seems so fond of, because I don’t like getting all invested in a character - for seasons and seasons, sometimes - only to have them die all over the screen.

I’m still especially mad at Torchwood for managing to kill Owen twice. That just seems cruel and unusual. And, of course, still irritated at Downton Abbey for Sybil's death.

Oh, but I think the character death that was really saddest for me was Leo McGarry’s death in The West Wing - partly because it was forced on the producers by the actor’s death, so the shock and grief were genuine. But they did a superb job working it into the show, and when I think of the finale of West Wing, I think not of the actual finale but of Leo’s funeral: characters from all the seasons of the show gathering together to pay homage to Leo, because he was just that great.

downton abbey, sorkin, torchwood, television

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