Wednesday Reading Meme

Jul 30, 2014 00:06

What I’ve Just Finished Reading

By popular demand, I read Hilary McKay’s A Little Princess sequel, Wishing for Tomorrow, and I’m happy to say I quite enjoyed it! I read the whole thing in one evening: the narrative force tugged me along so fiercely that I almost forwent an ice cream excursion because I wanted so much to keep reading.

I don’t know that it’s quite the future Frances Hodgson Burnett would have given these characters (in particular, I strongly suspect that McKay is more forgiving toward Lavinia and Miss Minchin than Burnett might have been). But McKay’s interpretations are all reasonable extrapolations from the characters’ portrayals in A Little Princess - it fits with the other book (in a way that Maleficent, for instance, doesn’t fit with Sleeping Beauty). And I think McKay did a beautiful job showing that Ermengarde feels lonely and abandoned after Sara left, without villainizing Sara.

My only quibble is that I am pretty sure no one in A Little Princess ever called Ermengarde “Ermie,” and I disapprove very much of the fact that McKay inflicted such an awful nickname on her. Doesn’t Ermengarde have enough troubles without a nickname that rhymes with wormy?

Also Rachel Bertsche’s Jennifer, Gwyneth, and Me: The Pursuit of Happiness, One Celebrity at a Time. I really loved Bertsche’s earlier book, MWF Seeking BFF: My Yearlong Search for a New Best Friend, partly because Bertsche is a very personable writer, but also because I really connected with her topic: making friends is something I struggle with, and it is so validating to read this book and realize that my standards for friendship really aren’t impossibly high.

Anyway. Bertsche is still a very personable writer in Jennifer, Gwyneth, and Me, so I did enjoy the book, but I didn’t connect to it on the same personal level as MWF Seeking BFF. But probably I’ll read her next book when it comes out. (Especially given that the next book might be a parenting book. I have a strange weakness for parenting books.)

What I’m Reading Now

Hilary McKay’s Forever Rose, which is the fifth Casson Family book and is...not quite as charming as the earlier books. I really enjoyed the ensemble aspect of the earlier books, but this one is more all Rose all the time, and while I like Rose...that is really too much Rose.

Also Rosemary Sutcliff’s The Shield Ring. I think I should put Operation Read All the Sutcliff on hold, because I am really struggling to get through this book, and I think perhaps I’m just too accustomed to her narrative tics.

What I Plan to Read Next

I have gone on a Kindle binge in anticipation of my upcoming trip. I have Lia Silver’s Prisoner, and also a whole slew of ancient (well, pre-1923) books that are FREEEEEE. I'm also thinking about getting E. F. Benson’s David Blaize, but it is not FREEEEE, so I’m waffling. Has anyone read it?

frances hodgson burnett, rosemary sutcliff, wednesday reading meme, books

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