Hello, Yuletide Author!
Here, sit down in the big fluffy armchair and have some cookies and hot chocolate, as a thank-you for writing this story for me. Feel free to disregard most of this; it’s guidelines, not rules (she says, channeling her inner Jack Sparrow).
First, some general notes. I’m fine with gen, het, slash, or femmeslash, as long as it’s not PWP. I’ll read pretty much anything that isn’t PWP as long as it has a dash of humor.
Things I especially like:
• humor and angst, especially if they go together
• relationships with trust issues, either because the characters can't trust each other but want to, or because they trust each other without reservation
• witty banter
• characters who are lying, either to themselves or others (especially if they get called on it)
• compassion
• relationships that are difficult but affectionate
• long-term friendships
Things I don’t like:
• character death
• incest
Some notes for the specific fandoms, if you want more information:
Shadow Unit: I love Shadow Unit for the psychological depth of the characters and the complicated, sometimes tense, but warm team dynamics. I asked for Reyes and Todd, but feel free to bring the other team members into the story
His Girl Friday: Can I say again how much I love the dialogue in this movie? It’s so fast-paced and so funny and Hildy and Walter just have such great chemistry with each other. Their mixture of affection and antagonism is just wonderful, although it probably makes their relationship rocky.
The Avengers: I love the banter here too, as well as the trust that Steed and Mrs. Peel clearly have in each other. I love their Britishness, their savoir-faire in the face of evil masterminds, the strength of their friendship, and Mrs. Peel’s clothes.
Chrono Crusade: I like Chrono Crusade’s over-the-top premise and its flashy explosions and its core sweetness and optimism. I prefer the manga to the anime, but don’t worry if you’ve only seen the anime. I love all the characters, but I’m really fascinated by Chrono and Aion’s history-we got the broad story, but I want to know what their relationship was like.
Also, could you please spell Chrono’s name with two Os? Chrno gives me a headache.
I hope that helps. Take a cookie with you as you go, and good luck.
Happy Yuletide!