New Girl

Sep 24, 2013 08:48

You guys you guys, New Girl season 2 is on Netflix instant! I am so excited about this, I want to have a giant New Girl marathon, or possibly just watch the show on loop forever and ever.

I was going to write a whole big post about why New Girl is awesome, but then I realized that innie_darling had the perfect fandom pimp post already written so I figured I would link it instead.

In a nutshell, innie_darling says: The show is about relationships - it's basically got drama-level character development in service to a very funny comedy.

I’ve been trying to set up a New Girl marathon with my friends, but as often happens they are distractible and nothing has come of it so far, so I’ve just gone ahead and watched it myself. I will willingly rewatch it if the marathon goes through - and I never rewatch shows; Downton Abbey’s first season is the only one. That's how much I love New Girl.


I will say, I do not love Schmidt as much as the other characters. He frequently makes me cringe, because he’s so oblivious to how other people react to him and so obnoxious - so obnoxious that his roommates have a “douchebag jar” in which they make him put money when he’s particularly awful. On the one hand, I guess putting money in the jar shows an admirable desire to atone, but on the other hand, if he just paid attention he could just not be a jerk.

But a lot of people love Schmidt, so this is clearly a case of YMMV. I love Zooey Deschanel's character Jess, but I know Deschanel is a bit like coconut: some people just don't like her. I think the fact that she's not cast as a love interest but as a protagonist in her own right mitigates the fact that she gets typecast as a manic pixie dreamgirl - she develops feelings and goals and relationships with other people, and doesn't seem to exist to give meaning to her love interest's life.

(It's also pretty clear that the guy I'm pretty sure is going to be her love interest, Nick, has problems that aren't going to be solved by getting a girl. He doesn't know what he wants to do with his life, and he feels like a failure for not doing much of anything.)

But there are enough characters, and they all get enough screen time, that if you don’t really like one of them it’s all right, there’s plenty of other stuff going on.


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