Jun 02, 2004 21:15
Yesterday I went on a lovely walk with James <3! We walked for a while, and we started to hurt. We passed this kid and he was setting off fire works, and wow some went off just now too, literally.
Today in lunch we played MAO! Interesting game...hard because the one rule is you cannot speak of the rules.
Cody ody bo-dy...went to Tampa over the weekend and bought be a shot glass! He's so...Cody.
And uh today Barbara was nice enough to have me come over and help me with my homework. I didn't understand the DBQ's, but it turns out some of the answers were in the actual DBQ. Wowie haha. I think it was because I couldn't concentrate cause Greg had 4 people over + instruments, then Erin had the TV blasting even though she wasn't in that room, she was annoying me. SO yeah thank you Barbara Frey!
And since I don't want to do my homework, I am doing this (stolen from Corinne)
type your username with your:
nose: 9owswpeakero
elbow: ospeakero
chin: oisp-e3ai34o0
eyes closed and one finger: osoeakweo
back of my hand: osepo4e5askleroip
palm: ospedazkedrfo
mouse: osepe4waok4e4er5o
wrist: oxdsp;eqazk,iretfro
tongue: I don't want to touch it! Fingers and food and ew.
feet: oswp0ewqakje3roioi
latte bliss 37: but there is acne shit on my nose
latte bliss 37: so my keyboards gonan get dirty
latte bliss 37: hahah like my mind
latte bliss 37: tongue:la55555ebbbbblis7
latte bliss 37: i can tast the acne cream on my keys