I really f'ing hope mr.nicolet didn't do something with my grandma's pans.
if so, i'm f'ed.
i got the cd player i ordered today, but..it'll be harder than i thought to get what i want off it.
i feel like crap.
and i'm tired.
and i'm running out of money.
and i'm only scheduled for ONE day again!
matt ( or really, nicole ) sent some pictures of their apartment in tampa, and frankly, it pisses me off that they're so creative and they're doing so good.
i want a lot of things to change about now, too bad it's not going to happen.
JEEP PEOPLE: buy these wheels and tires:
http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=7951813409&rd=1&sspagename=STRK%3AMESE%3AITthey're my step dad's, and he wants to sell them, perfecto condition..
i think i've decided to not go on the new orleans trip??
i can't decided though, i'd like to be in p-cola for it i think...but why...?
i'm really tired of the music that i have, i want some NEW music, and a-drew supplies some, but then, it's not as good as what i listen to know, and...neverending cycle
i made a bad decision choosing not to dishwash anymore, it was a bias decision and i regret it.
i'm thinking about going down to tampa this summer to visit matt/nicole, that'd be intresting.
and a free hair cut.
and a nice road trip!! ( finially without an old-ass annoying half-dead man )
( rich, if you read this, you know what i'm talking about!!! )