oh yes, it's crazy

May 04, 2006 00:21

I had tried to set up an appointment with you before exam week to  ask questions about

the material we had covered.  The only day i  had available was the thursday beforehand

and you had told me you  were not going to be on campus.  I work full-time and without

that  job, it would not

be fesible to afford college.  I was having an anxiety attack  during the final, which

was quite apparent. I would appreciate, if  nothing else, to be able to receive a C- in

the course, rather than  failing.  An anxiety attack can hinder cognative abilities and

drastically reduce a person's normal level of functioning and mental

performance.  I understand that this is not fair to the other  students', however they

had more opportunities to meet during  office hours which I could not because of the

scheduling of my  other classes and my job.  I understand that my attendance was not

perfect, however, i also suffer a mood disorder which essential  makes me unable to

participate in life even in the most minute  situations.  I have been diagnosed with

this disorder and can  provide you with ample documentation if you do not believe me. I

have never cried during an exam in my entire academic career, short  of in high school

when my father died; though i found myself in  tears during every one of your exams,

which is the only time I have  ever cried over a test in my life. I found that the

exams were  unjustly far more difficult than the quizes and homework that I did  very

well on. Because this class is not offered in Summer B, it is  impossible for me to

take it again without being kicked out of  school.  I cannot financially handle being

kicked out of school,  nor do I think it is fair that I should suffer in my grades for

a  mental disorder that I cannot help and for an anxiety attack during  the final which

you chose to ignore.

stat prof:
Dear Jamie,

I will discuss your situation with my supervisors and I will let you know as soon as
possible what the decision is.

Dear Jamie,

after reviewing your final exam again, your final grade has been changed. Please allow a
few days before the university system updates your grade.
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