To you, Sho, the “俺に敗れない壁がない”男

Jan 25, 2018 19:48

Shocchi, it's your birthday!

In a way I've been marking the day for celebration--and well, I had fun celebrating at the end. Last year was gruelling, no? And 2018 is going to be even more trying. I've already lost count how many times you helped me got through my day. With the bitter honesty, the 当たり前 advice, the courage and example, along with all the best laugh, you have been one fifth of my constant. I am going to go back and write a long ass celebration post on 15th next month, but allow me to say this right here right now. いつも本当に本当にありがとうございます。And, especially, for the reminder that 敗れない壁がない, as long as you hit them with valour.

I hope you have a beautiful day. I hope you get to eat all your favorites. I hope you get to spend the day with those you treasure. I hope nothing but happiness for you. Happy 36th, bb! Stay gold.

s.h.o, birthday celebration ♥!, looking for my soul? arashi has it!

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