Aug 16, 2006 03:06
Good days, Bad days... we get em both. Today was ok. Im actually pretty upbeat about how crappy things are lately, but Im not letting it get to me. Alot os hit I really dont understand at all, its just so frustrating. Its like those games you play and you can't start over to you lose. You know you lost, but you still have to play through. It sux. Jerrell sux with his damn money. I'm payin his bills, and my dad's. Im posed to be the kid. I like how I make alot of money, but I never see any of it. When me and Jerrell more, I have this huge feeling I'll be taking care of all the financial obligations. Good thing I'm prepared. For some reasoN, I dont feel as up beat as I did when I started this journal.
Sometimes in life, it seems like nothing is going your way. NOthing positive to be said, but if you look closely, you can see that all the things that really matter are just as planned. The down fall about that though, is that the things you wnat to be important aren't what most would say mean anything. We become blind in love, lust, greed, thirst and other temptaions... that we often get distracted and lose focus of what really matters. All this time, I'd been a fool and had been completely distracted from you.