A backbone....

Feb 06, 2020 09:40

I’ve never been a fan of Mitt Romney. Yesterday however, I gained a great deal of respect for him, the lone Republican serving in the Senate with the courage to put country before party.

It will not be easy going for Mr Romney. The last serving Republican who showed signs of a backbone (Justin Amash, a co-founder of the Freedom Caucus) found him self purged from the Republican political establishment & and is now the sole Independent serving in the House. Trump and his minions are vindictive. There are already moves being organized in Utah to recall Romney.

There are also voices praising him. The Deseret News published an editorial praising his courage to acknowledge he still knows right from wrong, and has the courage to stand up for that, even when it’s to a President who’s policies he sided with 80% of the time.

Susan Collins, a woman with the solidity of quicksand, voted to acquit and has had the foolhardiness to say to reporters that the President has learned his lesson. What message is that Senator? He stated years ago he could shoot someone on NY’s 5th Ave and not suffer in his popularity. If his behavior in the last 24 hours is any indication, that belief is even stronger.

He and his imperial presidency are now, more than ever, a clear & present danger to this democracy. Ben Franklin when asked in 1787 what type of government we had established replied, “a republic, if you can keep it.” If Mitt Romney is the only voice among elected republicans, who is willing to stand up for what is right, then our ability to keep that republic may now be over. Certainly, the functionality of impeachment, as our country’s foresaw it, is.
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