Jul 21, 2009 19:19
So, being incurably lame, and not expecting to be living in San Diego this summer, I failed to procure my Comic-Con tickets, oh, eleven months ago. But I am now unexpectedly back in SD, and I face the sold-out problem.
So. I would very much like to attend, as I have the last several years, so I am appealing to the audience for a ticket/some way in. (I can volunteer if you like, too!) In return, I can offer a San Diego county free place to sleep (okay, it's 20 miles away, but, that's okay because:) and free chauffeured transportation, in my own privately-owned vehicle! Yes, that's right. Get me in at least one day without me being arrested, and I'll drive you around all you would like. (And, place to sleep.)
If yourself, or a friend/contact of yours, can get me a precious badge (no, I don't care if it has a girl's name on it), I would be delighted.
This will be all.