So I was with the Schlingmans last night and we decided to visit this crazy visiting Russian guy (friend of Mrs. O'Leary) and he's hilarious. Hilarious. Oh man, we talked for like five hours. I don't even know what the highlight was. I think the defining point of the conversation was when he was talking about how hairy this French chick he dated was and he said "I had to use a compass to find the holy grail." Either that or when he said he didn't like average American kids but we were "extraordinary" because we ate his cucumber salad, borsht (probably spelled that wrong) and some kind of tahini or something.
Then there was this cat that was totally animated with the spirit of a person. It kept following us and it was friendlier than any animal I've ever seen before. Also, I swear I saw it look both ways before it crossed the street.
We started another collage, too, because the first one wasn't enough.