(no subject)

Dec 05, 2012 21:51

  1. family pictures
  2. bait & switch
  3. scenario: mutiny
  4. you are what you eat
  5. style: diary
  6. summer people
  7. genre: mystery
  8. proverb: The Road to Hell is paved with good intentions.
  9. location: Antarctica

  10. event: The Blitz
  11. "Bad Reputation" -Joan Jett
  12. end line: "He grabbed her ass with his good hand and gave a squeeze." from Secret Confessions of the Applewood PTA, Ellen Meister (story must end with this line)
  13. genre: fluff
  14. poem: Phenomenal Women by Maya Angelou
  15. "You're going to need a bigger boat." -Jaws
  16. quote: "Never believe that a few caring people can't change the world. For indeed, that's all who ever have. -Margaret Mead
  17. lies
  18. emotion: anxiety
  19. "I started strong, the firstborn of identical twin boys, leading my reluctant brother out into the world by seven minutes flat, give or take a moment to suspend my infant's disbelief in the delivery room." from An Underachiever's Diary, Benjamin Anastas
  20. fill in the blank: One Flew Over the ______
  21. satellite
  22. author's choice
  23. author's choice
  24. author's choice

prompt table, challenge: writersverse

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