(no subject)

Jan 11, 2010 09:30

Prompts:  Pounce!Porn Table "All work and No Play"
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 1001
This story contains: D/s elements, Voyeurism, Orgasm Denial, Devious!Hitsugaya and Fluff
Author's Note:  OMG I'm so late *crashes into furniture*  My only excuse is that my Granny is a conspiracy theorist and that my harddrive, which had the original story, died on me.  The original was so much hotter!  randomtwirler,  I hope you forgive me for since I kinda disregarded some ot the things you asked not to include in the story  (there is no crossdressing and I tried to keep them IC :)  I made it longer in an attempt at appeasement.

Summary:  Toushirou truly is the master of persuasion.

Ichigo closes his eyes and lets out a soft groan, his body tense as he tries, and fails, to hold back a full-body shudder.

"You're not finished yet."  A husky whisper says in his ear.  The feeling of that warm breath creates a shudder grows through Ichigo's body.

Ichigo leans back in the chair, causing his houseguest to move away from behind him.  His swivel around in the chair to scowl "That's because someone keeps distracting me." Ichigo quickly moves his neck and swivels the chair to face  Toushirou.  he resists the temptation to run his hand over the bruised area.  When his eyes meets Toushirou's, he finds himself heating under such an intense regard.

Toushirou moves and lays across the bed. "If someone had better study habits, he would have completed his homework at the beginning of summer break."   He rests his head on his left arm and stares intensely at Ichigo with an amused upturn of eyebrow."And not be rushing to complete it when his workaholic boyfriend comes to visit."

Ichigo twitches at the dig. "You should have told me you were coming."

Toushirou lowers his head onto the pillow, "I tired.  You know that summer is a peak time for hollow activity"  He lifts his head off the pillow.

And Ichigo does konw it.  He couldn't go anywhere without coming upon one.  It totally ruined the community pool for him and his friends. He couldn't help but sigh in aggravation.  It really isn't Toushirou's fault.  Ichigo did make a big deal about Toushioru coming to visit him before the break was over.  The fact that he was able to come at all is a miracle, but that still doesn't make it better knowing that Toushirou freed himself for a whole two days, and Ichigo is stuck catching up on his summer assignments before they are due on Monday.

Ichigo turns back to his unfinished schoolwork. After a few minutes Ichigo, sighs in frustration. His mind is unable to focus due to Toushirou's stare hitting him in the head, and the cool tendils that periodically slide up his legs.  Ichigo throws his pen across desk and swivels towards the bed.  "Can't you, like go and visit someone or something?"

Toushirou calmy continues to stare at Ichigo.  "No"

"Well, then can't you keep it in a little?"

"I could,"  Toushirou replies, not moving from his spot "But why should I."  he says as Ichigo simulationeously feels half hard erection surrounded in heat.

Ichigo gasps.  his gasps changes to a moan at the feeling of being gripped.    Ichigo opens his eyes to find himself staring into Toushirou's eyes, no longer green but ice blue due to his reiatsu usage

"I thought I was the one with control issues." Ichigo chokes out

"A person can't be in control all the time.  Plus, I have an excuse."

"Wha.."  Ichigo is trying to focus on what Tousirou is saying but is begin distracted by the reiatsu moving teasingly along his  hard on.  Feeling almost tongue-like

"I'm horny and my boyfriend is denying me for work."

"That's, "  a large pull causes him to gasps, "that's not a " another pull " good reason." he rushes out"

"It isn't"  Toushirou face is innocently shocked.  "And all those times I capitulated."  Ichigo opens his eyesb to glare.  "I guess i should stop?" Toushirou says playfully.  Ichigo fells the pressure loose and the warmth drift away

"NO!" Ichigo gets up from his chair and looms above the placid captain. "If you stop I'll..." Ichigo cries out and and almost falls to his knees when the tongue-like felling moves between his cheeks..

Toushirou reaches up an pulls Ichigo down to the bed and looks at his handywork.  Ichigo's hands are tightly gripping the blue bed covers.  his head is thrown back, eyes closed face taunt in pleasure, mouth gasping, his head turn proudly displaying the bruise Toushirou gave him minutes eariler.  his hips are jerking upward in a pleading motion, legs parted as wide as they could go. Ichigo turns his head to face him proudly displaying his newly bruised mark.  Brown eyes flutter open and stare up at him.  The lust, the desire, the silent plea in those eyes causes a shudder to run through Toushirou.

The feeling of being rimmed changes to one of being penetrated

Dimly, ichigo is aware the Toushirou has now left the bed.  Part of him panics because it would not be the first time that Toushirou has gotten him off without touching him."Tou...*gasp*  shirou" he gets out.  hes getting closer to the edge and he knows it.  his prostate can't take much more.  "Toushirou, please."

Toushirou moves to ichigo's legs and gently pulls off the sweat pants.  He watches as Ichigo's arms shakily reaches out towards him. and hurriedly pulls off his clothes, leaving them to puddle at his feet. "Shhh.  "

Ichi is shivering for the phantom pounding into his body along with the cold in the air.

Unconsciously, Ichigo's leg moves around Toushirou, trying to graw him closer, trying to tell Toushirou thatr

"Let go."It was the command in Toushirou's voice in his ear along with .

Ichigo's spent.  " " Toushirou says his mouth meeting Ichigo's, His kissed Ichigo in a slow chaste way, his lips kingering against Ichigo's as his with the fact that his fingers were penetrating Ichigo .

"You need to show me how to do that." Ichigo says once he gets his breath back.  He slightly winces as another finger is added.



Toushirou smiles and nods his head..


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