Shinigami Kryptonite (IchiHitsu)

Mar 01, 2009 14:00

Title: Shinigami Kryptonite (title has nothing to do with content, really)
Spoilers:  Sealed Sword Frenzy
Ratings: PG13  (Light mentions of bondage, afternoon quickies, crossdressing, and popsicle abuse)
AN:  A desperate attempt to eliminate prompts and writer's block by drabbling.


Ichigo's first impression of the 10th division captain was that of an angel

His eyes witnessed what could only be known as the epitome of beauty and innocence.  With eyes flashing with green fire and purpose, a strong, commanding voice called out to the heavens and with a wave of the it's sword, the enemy was dispatched and Ichigo was thankful for the mercy that was bestowed upon him.

Later, when he meets the little asshole, he takes the poetic crap his mind had spewed as a sign that he was hit harder than he’d originally thought.


At first he tried to ignore it
The boy was young, and alive, and it would never work. Hell, they lived on two totally different planes of existence.

But Ichigo, being the person he is, refused to be denied anything.

So when the loud-haired teen grabbed him and nervously placed their lips together, naturally Toushirou at first was filled with outrage and anger.

And though he would never admit it, though he would loudly deny that it ever happened, it didn't take long before he was completely immersed in Ichigo's feelings and let loose the reins he held over his own.


Hearing her brother sigh for the 49th time, it takes all of Momo's willpower not to cross the room and glomp her brother (or else literally knock some sense into him).

"Shirou-chan," she starts, happy at the wince the name causes, “I really don't think he cares that much what you wear. Actually, I think he'd rather you wear nothing at all." she smirks. "Come on now, let's clean this up." she continues as she picks up robes that Toushirou had earlier deemed inappropriate.

"Yeah," Toushirou answers back, now calm and over his earlier fit of panic. "Can't let that idiot see."


Karma is a bitch, Ichigo thinks for the millionth time.

With a sigh, he rereads what he's written in an attempt to place his mind back on Nathanial Hawthorne and the symbolism of the Scarl.....
Did he just place the whole thing in his mouth?

"Ichigo, are you not finished yet?"  Toushirou asks from the teen’s bed as he pulls the strawberry popsicle out with a pop. "It's so boring here!" he whines as he flops spread-eagle across the bed, before pulling the popsicle back and forth out of his mouth.

Karma is a bitch, Ichigo thinks again.


To say Matsumoto was surprised was an understatement.

She knew they were in a relationship (which she secretly squees over in private with the other SWA girls) but she never really considered the affect it would have on her life.

Which is why she was currently surrounded by paperwork with a gobsmacked expression on her face staring at the door where earlier her captain and his lover left in a flurry of robes.

After a moment, the fukataichou composed herself and quickly grabbed the phone. "Girls, you'll never gonna believe this. Guess who just left for a little afternoon delight?"


"It’s not gonna happen." Toushirou says with his eyes closed.

"Come on, I'd really like to go and you know that you wouldn't allow me to dance with anyone else." the taller teen replies with a pout.

"You could go with Inoue, since she is a GIRL."

"Yeah, but you know what I'd have to go through afterwards.  Anyways, the thought of you in silk is always exciting."

"Hmmm." Toushirou hums as a hand moves across his sensitive ears, and he opens his eyes dreamily.

Ichigo knew he'd won.

The following Saturday, everyone couldn't help but comment on Ichigo's beautiful 'girlfriend'.


To be honest, it's an assumption which really can't be helped.

With his wide, green eyes and baby fat cheeks, along with the fact that he's the youngest captain in the history of the Gotei 13, it’s impossible not to assume he's innocent.

His silver-white hair and short stature reinforces the image of purity that one Hitsugaya Toushirou unconsciously puts out.

But after waking up the morning after his and Toushirou’s first (and definitely not last) 'sleepover,' Ichigo couldn't help but be happy at being

That is until he realized that he'd have to explain the bruises on his wrist and ankles.


"Why do you come to Soul Society to do paperwork at the 10th division?"

Ichigo looks down at his friend and sighs. "You know, he'd never leave that damn office as long as there's work left," to which she nods in agreement. "If I help with the paperwork, I spend time with him, and he gets done quicker making us both happy."

For a moment, Rukia can't help but remember all the times that her friend use to whine about his boyfriend's workaholic habits.

"Plus," he says after a while and whispers conspiratorially, "he has a kink for office sex."


Inoue was the first one ask about when he realized it.

"Kurosaki-kun, do you know when Hitsugaya-san will return?"

Then Tatsuki, Keigo, and Chad got into it.

"Hey, Ichigo, does the little snowball like candy?"

Ichigo really couldn't pinpoint when he no longer was seen as a separate individual and was supposed to automatically know Toushirou's
mind/memories/feelings/likes or dislikes/personal schedule.

"And did you know that Matsumoto keeps asking me if you like chocolate?" Toushirou told him with a frown on one of his extremely rare days off.

But since it only mildly irritates Toushirou, he was okay with it.


It truly was an accident, really.

Okay, he admits that he was a little peeved when Momo and Matsumoto started cooing over his relationship with Ichigo.

And when he heard that he was now regarded as the most whipped shinigami in all of Soul Society (he goggled over the fact that he beat Hisagi).

And when he heard of the bets as to where him and Ichigo have their 'alone time,' it royally pissed him off.

But he was really, truly, deeply sorry for the high humidity and the fact that everyone now had frizzy hair.

On second thought, maybe not. .

AN2:  Though this has been beta'd please feel free to point out any mistakes or inconsistencies I've made.  Can you believe it took me 10 hours to come up with this o.O

ichigo/toushirou, mission insane challenge, bleach

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