Nov 03, 2004 21:10
I believe our tenure draws to an end now my friend
Lets make it amicable as we part ways
We danced in each others shadow for too long now
The sun though blinding leads us to greener ways
Or so I hope and pray
Never think that I didnt love you
Nor that I hate you now
Somethings that needed to be said long ago
Are now no longer buried beneath our feet
Weve stood back to back for years
Nothing has come between us but us
But with our backs turned we began to drift
And now lifes taken us both adrift
I know not where youre headed
Never did you learn my path
I saw yours but said nothing
Glimpses of sight unseen
Walk with confidence truest of friends
For I hold no grudge
Nor do you hold any obligation
And I will see you again
Though it will be on some strange shore
Neither knowing one another truly anymore
We'll enjoy a moment of reserved rejoice
And then return to our seperate grind
Our tenure draws to a close compatriot
Godspeed and greener pastures