I wasn’t going to update today.
I put a good long entry into my real journal this morning at work while the network was down. There was little I could do work-wise, and well, I did it.
8:17 pm: Right now, I am polishing my guitar and re-stringing it, while trying to call an old friend I have not spoken to in 10 years, but whom I have emailed with recently.
8:39 pm I check to make sure I am dialing the right number as it has been busy for a while. I look at the worn grooves on the saddle of my guitar (a plastic curved rest the strings are stretched across right where they emerge from the body of the guitar), and wonder if I should get a new one. The fretboard was nasty with built up residue of sweat and skin oils. One would be surprised at how dirty a guitar can get. You know, I always said that a guitar is just a guitar and nothing special - but ever since my return from Austin my guitar has felt special to me - like it has been responding well to my playing and sounding better than ever. I have always referred to it as “my baby” - but maybe now I am finally beginning to feel that it is. That doesn’t mean I still don’t want that Taylor. As the man at the guitar store said to me, “Guitars are like women. One is not enough and two is too many.”
8:57 pm: The strings are on and stretching. Soon, time to wash the dishes and then think about dinner while I prep for what I hope is going to be one of the best sessions of my D&D campaign, “Out of the Frying Pan”. We shall see. I can be such a geek, and I embrace it whole-heartedly. I am listening to a mix I made for Zooey, which I entitled ‘Tug-A-Nug’s Greatest Hits” (after a fictitious band we made up while on our trip to Austin). I put every song on there for a definite reason, but mostly to present a very varied sampling of GOOD music to help inspire him. I am also chatting on IM with
9:29 pm: Still chatting with
spear_britney. And now “Dark Hollow” (the Grateful Dead) is playing - such a great song…
10:11 pm: Finally getting around to making dinner. Spoke with Z. on the phone for over 30 minutes. It felt better. Whenever we talk about women we seem to bond - I think we have our robust passion for women in common. We’re going out tomorrow night with a couple “hot ladies”, to do some club and bar-hopping - should be interesting at the very least and if I am lucky perhaps a whole lot of fun. I don’t mean lucky lucky, but then again lucky lucky wouldn’t be bad either.
10:19 pm: I must post this before midnight.
10:32 pm: Chatting briefly with
kronosoam, while making dinner and listening to Biggie.
11:24 pm: Well, the phone remained busy. . . So I never got to talk to that friend. My guitar sounds like a different instrument - all bright and refusing to stay in any recognizable tune - the strings will be good enough soon - but it can take days sometimes for them to settle right. Before I go to bed I need to straighten up the place and I need to go through the preliminary rounds of tomorrow’s first encounter and see how it will play out before the party arrives - and I need to get my laundry together to drop it off first thing in the morning. Oh, I am so excited for my trip - I guess I am going to have to shave tomorrow (I am rocking some serious scrubble) for the night on the town - I need to look pretty for the ladies ;-) - but I was going to wait until the nigh before I leave because I am lazy and don’t want to have to do it twice - but I am so excited to get out of New York - to not have to work - to think about nothing but music for days on end. .
11:39 pm: Well, the witching hour approaches. Time to post this banal puppy. Not even sure what I wanted to say when I started this - but in turned into this dry account of my evening. . . Blah, blah, blah and then I washed dishes. . . blah, blah. . . I guess that is what happens when my real thoughts and my secrets are in my real journal - and I had some juicy ones today - but those I keep for myself - when I am dead and gone - someone can type them all into this thing in my name. . . A look into the true depravity of my mind.