I need to get into the habit of sharing my post over at The Middle Spaces here. . . I keep forgetting.
Here are the ones I've post since the last time I remembered (plus there will be a new installment of "If it WAUGHs Like a Duck" posted tomorrow). Click on the title to view them.
Batman vs. Superman: Whatever Happened to Growing Up?Putting the “final” Superman and Batman stories in conversation.
Power Pack Says Crack is Wack!Marvel's Power Pack in the crack era needed to learn to JUST SAY NO to White Privilege.
Additions, Corrections, RetractionsAn overview of posts in need of revisiting.
If It WAUGHs Like a Duck #7: Don’t Let It Get You DownIn 2015 Howard the Duck explores a welcome tangent, while in 1976, he feels like he is finally moving in the right direction.