Nov 30, 2016 06:00
Welp, haven't posted here in a while. Perhaps because I have nothing to say. Although I guess it's been so long that LJ has not seen mention that I moved from my house of 13 years, to another house in town.
Since then, for the past half-year, my life has remained largely defined by:
A pair of irksome Negatives:
1) I have not yet managed to sell the old house (which is preposterously underpriced).
2) I cannot seem to get people to pay me for my writing (which is also probably somewhat underpriced).
Overwhelming Positives:
1) My days are filled with love and laughter that completely dwarf the negatives above, so I remain quite happy.
2) Smaller things (regular gaming, D's job at the library, our new house) are also sources of happiness.
So basically, I am happy with my life but worried about money looking future-wards.