Dec 07, 2014 05:34
For those of you not on Facebook but still here (which I'm sure isn't many, but whatever): As usual, I'll be hosting my big Heathen Hullabaloo on the evening of December 25th. If you're not celebrating Christmas (or even if you did earlier and will be done before dinner), you're welcome to join me and an motley assortment of my friends from various spheres for Oriental Buffet (next to Price Chopper in NA) at 6pm.
If that's no good for you, dear friend, let's try to get together for food and conversation sometime before next Christmas. If we do so in summer it can even be a picnic! (Although certes this should not stop us from also hanging out before then, since pretty much every year my new year's resolution is "spend more time with my awesome friends", and this year will be no exception.)