What a fucking fun day!

Aug 14, 2004 20:37


Wow, What a kewl fucking day I had today. I had so much fun being with Neisi . She's a fucking trip. She doesn't make me feel like others...who's name I wont mention. It's not mah boyz...but some other people.

Anyways. I met her mom , her sis and her lil bro. They're all fucking awesome. Her mom was really nice to me. She came to pick me up and everything.

When I got in the car..I thought we were going to the beach....but it turned out that Neisi didn't want to go to the beach...We were going to an apartment and we were going to get into their pool. I thought that idea was ludacrous! But then we convinced Neisi to go to the beach. I made sure I knew where I was going too. I always seem to do that...observe and jot down the direction to places I don't know how to get to in my mind. It's not that getting to Miami beach. I thought it was going to be a mission but it seems that all you have to do is take the I95 and you're set to go. After that, all you have to do is read the signs. So it is true...they do make everything in The Us. "Fool Proof".

We got to Miami Beach and we couldn't fucking find parking. DAMN that shit was mad fucking full too. It' was packed. But meanwhile Neisi's mom was looking for parking....Neisi and I were checking out ALL OF THE EYE CANDY! I think Miami beach is my new favorite place to hang out.  I wish more of my friends would of been there because as the saying goes : " The More...The marrier" But I had more than enough fun with Neisi and her family. Neisi's a handfull! LOL.  Her and I were making fun of every one we saw walking down the streets! Bro...That was so fucking halarious! Neisi's mom couldn't stop cracking up. but then again everything we were saying was  REALLY MEAN!!!

We finally found parking. Damn , parking was a bitch. We got there like around 1:30 ish. I paid for the parking (which was the least I could do, ya know?) and IT kicked ass, because we could park there until 8:00 pm. Instead of paying 1$ for every mother fucking hour!  We took out some shit and we walked to the beach...it wasn't that long of a walk , but then again...we could of found some closer parking.
It was a perfect day to go to the beach. The wind, the sun , the head and the tempiture was perfect. I couldn't of asked for me.  Here's a pic!

LMAO , I'm just kidding. yeah right....I wish that was Miami. It'll probably look like that somewhere else in FL , but that's without the moutains!  Now this is the rea picture down there!

 I don't know why this girl has her eyes close...OPEN EM BITCH!!!! LMAO!!
This girl looks mad fucking yummy licious in a baiting suite!  Neis has some nice ass curves! too bad she's off the Deli (Market) hahahahaha....no...  If you don't believe me ....here's a look for ya'll non believers!
told you so!!!!
We got to the beach and Neisi and I were talking about how stupid people are sometimes. Here's the thing. We were on our way to the beach when we see this Red truck that has a sign posted on the driver side door. IT says " Tree trimming " or something. So now check this shit nout. This mother fucker has a picture of what "Tree Trimming" is. Her mom was the one who busted out with the comment. Damn , that was some funny shit. She was like :" Look at this guy...Had a picture of what tree trimming is" I know it doesn't sound funny there, but the way she said it and when she said it...DAMN....some funny shit...but here's a pic if you don't believe me! (Once again)

....YOU SEE?

We went in the water and damn that shit was good. But before I went in I fucking bathed in Sunscreen! I don't wan to go through the same thing that happened to me in the beggining of my summer, HELLZ NAH BITCH!!! It took me for fucking ever to get some-what back to my color!
The waves were hot. The people too...I should of rented a boogie board or something , because that shit looks fun. I want to take up surfing! It looks super fun! But something that sucks about Surfing is that you have to make sure how you do it and where you go due to the fact that there's so many damn people around...Because if you hit them with that huge ass mother fucking board...DAMN....YOU IN A LOT OF SHIT!!!  Yo azz better pretend you're a fish and swim on out of there scene! ...But other than that....That joint looks fun!

We got out for a while to tan a bit....Or to just lay down and give our eyes a rest because DAMN...Those damn fucking waves are a bitch on you...and on your eyes. Damn, could that water get any more saltier...people need to stop having sex in that fucking water...b/c that shit is gonne be a purto Rican soup soon. (PR soup's are really salty, if you didn't know that)--Or the one;s I've tasted b4.

Neisi's crazy...She put on some Tanning Oil. That was bitch was mad crazy...She's white enough as it is...and now she's just begging for some Skin Cancer to crawl up her ass. She made her rub her down  with some of that oil. DAMN...PEOPLE WERE LIKE DROOLING OVER DAT HO! ....and I was rubbing that shit in their faces! lol.  She did it on purpose though. She knowz she be bustin some good ass sexy ass curves...dat biatch knowz what she gotz!!! LOL. HOLLA!!
I fell asleep on the sand...which is not A GOOD IDEA!!!  Hot Miami Sand = CRABS!!!! LOL, jk , but that shit hurt...felt like if I had tripped and scabbed my arms! Luckily I out on a shit and didn't get burned...OR else I wouldn't be typing this and sitting down at the  same time.

We got up again, ate some fried chicken from Publix and went back in. Damn. The water was now cooling and there were more hot bitches. OOOOO  speaking of hot bitches...WHOA!!! I saw the finest pair of twins EVER!!!!! Wow...I was soooo fucking shocked. DAMN , those bitches were so fucking yummy!!!! I wanted to make like the song and : "Li-li-lick them from their he-head to their toes!!!" DAAAMMMNNN . Here's a description. Nice and tall ( about 5'8) bEAUTIFUL SLICK SEXXY BODY, STRAIGHT BLONDE HAIR, SEXXY LIGHT BROWN EYES, AND LISCIOUS LIPS!!!....when I saw them....I had made the beach a saltier place to swim in!!!!  LMAO!!...I'm serious....the finest ho's you've ever seen.  Neisi had to snap me out of it like 10 times to pay attention to her.
The bitches got out....but yuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuummmmmmmmotherfuckingmmmmmmmmmmy!!! LOL....just made up a word!! IT started getting late and we got out....with some poor vision too. And we dipped. Neisi's mom dropped me off and that was mah day. :-D

(I'm like a book....I'm good all da way...but my ending's suck!!, lol) I got distracted again.

The Down right Dirty one!!!! MWUIAHAHAHA!!
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