Feb 04, 2007 22:04
so, i heard news about this big Global Warming meeting this in france. I dont really know the details of it, but i can i just say, I really dont believe in the theory of global warming....atleast not to the extent they make it out to be.
Reasons why....
Climate records have not been accurately kept for that long (considering the age of the earth) so an accurate conclusion to the changes in climate of the past 30 years probably cant be reached.
geologically speaking, the earth did just come out of a small ice age where temps were a lot lower than in the past.
Antartica is not melting....infact it is colder than it was 30 years ago, and the ice is thickening.
Since the early 18 hundreds, temps in rural areas have pretty much not increased or decreased at all, atleast not significantly.
Areas where temps have increased significantly have been in areas of urban development, such as NYC....which is attributable to increased amounts of concrete, etc which have cause surface temps to increase.
Sea Levels have not risen significantly in the past 30 years.
The list can go on and on.....but basically, I think the theory of Global Warming is mostly propaganda. Not that i think effort to decrease pollution should be stopped, but i dont think it's some huge catastrophe.