It's that time again- we've got some plotty goodness coming up. Would you like to get involved? The more people who get involved in plots, the better! Here's how!
Summary: Homecoming time at Sunnydale High.
How to get involved:
Two ways to get involved...
Running for Homecoming queen or King (feel free to post a poster for your character, or a post describing their poster)
or if you're not one of the cool kids, respond to the invitation from Michael and company to attend the anti-homecoming (Requiem) at the Sunset.
The campaigning will be going on for the next week or two.
Harvest Time:
Summary: The True Messianic Faith (aka, those religious freaks, aka 'The Sunnydale Amish) are having a Harvest Festival at their compound, including a barn dance, apple bobbing, hay ride, and pumpkin carving contest.
How to get involved:
Posters are all over town, especially at the Farmer's Market run by the religious folks. You can also see Prudence (
maid_marion ) who lives there, and is going to have a special role in the festivities.
Summary: A vampire biker gang is roming all over town, causing trouble.
How to get involved:
Post an open post on a dark Sunnydale street... you never know who (or what) might reply.